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REGULAR MEETING August 28, 2017 <br /> Councilmember Gavin Ferlic explained the procedures to be followed for tonight's meeting in <br /> accordance with Article 1, Section 2-11 of the South Bend Municipal Code. <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> BILL NO. <br /> 47-17 PUBLIC HEARING ON AN ORDINANCE TO <br /> VACATE THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED <br /> PROPERTY: THE SOUTHERN PORTION OF <br /> THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET EAST 213 FEET <br /> OF EAST RIGHT OF WAY OF SOUTH TAYLOR <br /> ST. AND RUNNING SOUTH 250 FEET FROM <br /> SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY OF WEST WESTERN <br /> AVE, TO INCLUDE A PORTION RUNNING 34 <br /> FEET FROM WEST RIGHT OF WAY OF <br /> WILLIAM ST TO SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY OF <br /> SOUTH WILLIAM ST. <br /> Councilmember John Voorde, Chair of the Public Works and Property Vacation Committee, <br /> reported that the committee had no quorum, therefore no decisions were made regarding Bill No. <br /> 47-17. <br /> Joe Hart, South Bend Cubs, 501 West South Street, South Bend, IN, served as the presenter of <br /> this bill. Mr. Hart passed out to the Council diagrams pertaining to the presentation. Mr. Hart <br /> stated, We are asking for the vacation of the Wayne Street cul-de-sac, which sits to the west of <br /> our team store, and then also to the north of the ball park where it currently dead-ends into the <br /> concourse of Left Field. We've been working with the City on this in hopes of doing this <br /> vacation. We're looking at relocating our Fun Zone area to the other side, enhancing the ball <br /> park. Mr. Berlin is looking at investing another$300,000 into a City-owned asset for this. This <br /> will give us the ability to expand more of the ball park. The current Fun Zone area can become <br /> more picnic space, which will give us the ability to host more people. We're on the verge of <br /> setting another attendance record. Part of our issue is that we're kind of running out of space <br /> inside the footprint, so this will give us the ability to do that. Also, in addition, some of those <br /> inflatables would be pretty tall and block some of the views of the new apartments that are going <br /> in as part of the new development. I appreciate your help on this and consideration. <br /> Mr. Hart continued, I know there were some questions asked earlier today, one (1) in regards to <br /> Mr. Jaworski parking in front of his house. Actually, I had the opportunity to speak with Mr. <br /> Jaworski yesterday, for quite a bit, and just kind of shared some ideas and told him we'd be very <br /> respectful. Actually, his daughter, Amy, is here tonight, and we have had the opportunity to meet <br /> and talk briefly, as well. We want to be respectful, there. We want to be very respectful of their <br /> neighborhood, as well. They've been there longer than us, and we certainly respect that. For us, <br /> in regards to the parking—we did some research, and back in May, 2012,the Board of Public <br /> Works granted the permitting for the street signs for parking in front of their house. So, on game <br /> nights, you must have the pass—the permit—to park there. Obviously, from our standpoint, that <br /> would not change. We have no intention of that. What we're looking at—expanding the Fun <br /> Zone—doesn't go out that far through their property. So, from our end, there would be no <br /> change. In talking with Rich Estus,the only way that would change is if the Board of Public <br /> Works wanted to change that. It would have nothing to do with us or Mr. Jaworski. In regards to <br /> the historic preservation of the synagogue, we went to the Preservation office this afternoon. It is <br /> not a local historic preservation site. It is designated on a State level, but for fagade only. Unless <br /> we were doing work to the building itself, it would not put anything in jeopardy from that <br /> standpoint. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis asked, Could you go over the fact that you shared this afternoon <br /> about the issue of your request tonight being more of a public issue—that it's still owned by the <br /> Park Department? <br /> 3 <br />