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Councilmember Tim Scott stated, Leeper Park is in my district and I have received many <br /> comments on it. I've gotten more comments to do something different with the duck pond than <br /> to keep the duck pond. I think that is good and it shows that people are understanding the <br /> changing of the culture. The park originally had two (2)ponds and they were more for small <br /> boating and cooling off when there wasn't air conditioning. It has now become the duck <br /> impoundment it is now. Also, carp can handle low oxygen and it is concerning to me when I see <br /> dead carp in the pond because carp can survive in anything. A few years back when they shut the <br /> pond down to clean it, there were kids fishing out goldfish and dumping them into the St. Joseph <br /> River. That is technically dumping an invasive species into a state-owned water way and that is <br /> illegal. There have been many problems. The one (1)big question I've been receiving is whether <br /> the playground will stay. <br /> Mr. Perri confirmed that both playgrounds will stay. <br /> Committeemember Mick Perry asked, What will be done with the `Best. Week. Ever' icon? <br /> Mr. Perri answered, That public piece of art was created for the temporary use and will be used <br /> again next year. <br /> With no other business, Committee Chair Kelly adjourned the PARC Committee meeting at 4:47 <br /> P.M. <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> Randy Kelly, Chairperson <br /> 4 <br />