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choosing different paths with different outcomes. At the end of the day, it resulted in a <br /> compromise that my clients were very happy with and the user was still happy and appreciative. <br /> Mr. Podladski followed up, The case that went to the Indiana Supreme Court had to do with our <br /> appealing of the way the statute was written. The statute exempts Indiana attorneys. In this case, <br /> it was an out-of-state law firm that hired Indiana attorneys and the State didn't prosecute the <br /> Indiana attorneys, rather they prosecuted the out-of-state law firm. So our unique approach gave <br /> brevity and context to the situation of what the Supreme Court was doing. <br /> Councilmember Ferlic asked, If you are selected for this contract, would the contract be with one <br /> (1) of you individually or the law firm as a whole?How do you envision working with the <br /> Council logistically? <br /> Mr. Podladski replied, I think our intended vision was for the contract to be with the law firm <br /> however, primarily there would be one (1) attorney assigned and that would likely be Casey. He <br /> has a great deal of experience. We have a couple other attorneys that, if Casey was unable to <br /> attend a particular meeting for whatever reason, they have equal experience. <br /> Mr. Cox replied, Logistically, Kevin is right, that is what we've talked about with the law firm. <br /> Geographically, I split time between Fort Wayne because I live there but I also work out of our <br /> Syracuse office which is closer to Warsaw. As we mentioned earlier, the law firm is always <br /> looking for opportunities to expand and grow and this would give us the opportunity to take a <br /> closer look at South Bend. In my view, the Council should have one (1)primary attorney that <br /> any of the Council members can contact on a regular basis. We have enough attorneys to fill in if <br /> the primary person is unavailable. <br /> Councilmember Ferlic asked, Do you anticipate yourself or someone from your firm being able <br /> to attend Council Committee meetings outside of those two (2) designated Mondays? And also, <br /> do you anticipate having office hours for Council members? <br /> Mr. Cox replied, I would need to make sure of the frequency of the committees and what the <br /> expectations were. I don't want to over-promise. As far as office hours, I do think that's <br /> something that is acceptable. My thought initially was I would work out of our Syracuse office <br /> which is much closer and would then come a few hours before the Council meeting in the <br /> evenings and make myself available for Council members to come in. I would want to make sure <br /> I get a handle on all of the other committees and the expectations to make sure I don't over- <br /> promise. <br /> Councilmember Ferlic opened the floor to Council members for any additional questions. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis asked, What do you think is the major challenge of a small-size <br /> town Council compared to a decent sized city like ours? <br /> Mr. Cox replied, We've advised a lot of town councils which are much smaller and also the <br /> Mayor of Woodburn actually sits on the council. He is an ex-officio member and I report to him <br /> but I also advise the Council. I think your question is great and there being nine (9) Council <br /> 10 <br />