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commitment clause in a zoning petition. Zoning and Code will need to observe the violation in <br /> order to cite and their authority is limited to citing and issuing fines. They have no jurisdiction to <br /> request a cease and desist. Once again,residents will be held hostage by one (1) business. They <br /> want this petition to be approved because he knows that if he violates the commitment clause, it <br /> could take years before he legally has to stop. Or maybe he knows he would then be unstoppable. <br /> Either way, all the residents in a residential area lose to one (1), single, disruptive business. <br /> Maybe the existing zoning ordinance was written to help protect residents from this type of <br /> problem and, if so, I'm urging you not to allow a special exception to take away our only <br /> protection. <br /> Committee Chair Davis turned the floor back to the Committee for further comments or main <br /> motions. Committeemember Ferlic made a motion to send Bill No. 17-37 to the full Council with <br /> no recommendation. Committeemember Voorde seconded the motion which carried <br /> unanimously by a voice vote of four(4) ayes. <br /> With no other business, Committee Chair Davis adjourned the Zoning and Annexation <br /> Committee meeting at 5:48 p.m. <br /> spe y S e , <br /> vi ommittee Chair <br /> 7 <br />