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Mr. Stanton continued, The site plan includes an existing two (2) story retail building situated <br /> near the middle of the block. Only a portion of the building, which is approximately 4,500 square <br /> feet, is proposed to be rezoned. The remainder of the building will continue being zoned GB, <br /> General Business District. Assured parking is located east of the site. This comes to you from the <br /> Area Plan Commission with a favorable recommendation. Rezoning the site to MU, Mixed-Use <br /> will allow for the reuse of an existing structure in a manner that is consistent with the <br /> comprehensive plan. <br /> Committee Chair Davis opened the floor to questions from the Committee or Council members. <br /> Committeemember Voorde asked a clarifying question with regard to the ownership of the <br /> building and why only half the building is being rezoned. <br /> Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston arrived at the meeting at 4:05 p.m. <br /> Angela Smith, Area Plan Commission with offices on the I Ith floor of the County-City Building, <br /> answered, This is common. You may see this on Mishawaka Avenue where buildings are built <br /> property line to property line. It is all one (1) ownership, one(1)parcel, but is more or less two <br /> (2)buildings. So in this case,the portion of the building they would like to use isn't zoned to <br /> allow them the intended use. They are `down-zoning' this portion. <br /> Committeemember Broden asked, What would happen with change of ownership of the parcel? <br /> There is assured parking, would that agreement not hold? <br /> Ms. Smith replied, It is not an official easement at this point so they would have to work that out. <br /> They did get a variance through the Area Plan Commission for no parking. There is a lot of street <br /> parking and walking so the demand for parking is not as high. They could enter into an <br /> agreement of sorts but that would be up to them. <br /> Committee Chair Davis than gave the floor to the property owner. <br /> Ciera Ewing, 3015 Western Avenue, stated, I am the owner. We are planning to open a flea <br /> market. It will be a retail store that specializes in multiple home items. We hope to open Jul of <br /> this year. We wholesale from an online website. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott asked, Are you aware that Lincolnway and Western Avenue, through <br /> the Office of Community Investment,have fagade grants? <br /> Ms. Ewing replied, Yes, we have applied and been approved. <br /> Committee Chair Davis opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak in favor of <br /> or in opposition to the legislation. <br /> 2 <br />