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Mr. Horvath confirmed, Yes, they can do that. <br /> Councilmember Broden followed up, Who would be the contact for that? <br /> Mr. Horvath replied, I don't have off the top of my head who the contact is, but it is AEP they <br /> would contact. <br /> Committeemember Kelly asked, Do you know of any data that is available that might speak to <br /> how this program has impacted safety in various areas around the City? <br /> Mr. Horvath replied, We really haven't looked at that yet. I know initially when we were looking <br /> at the mapping, we were going to try and overlap safety and lighting. We haven't done that but <br /> that is something we can try to do. I think most cities are finding the real benefit of people <br /> feeling safer. On major corridors with a lot of traffic, the lighting helps prevent traffic accidents <br /> as well. I don't have any specific data as of now,though. <br /> Committeemember Kelly followed up, I think if we could see some correlation, certainly <br /> regarding the traffic accidents, that could potentially lead to increased understanding of value <br /> and,possibly, increased funding for the program. <br /> Councilmember White stated, I know we have also gotten information from the South Bend <br /> Police Department that there are a number of officers that have indicated the impact of the <br /> increased lighting. But from a statistical standpoint, we will probably have to do some additional <br /> mapping to contrast the start of the program to where we are now. <br /> Councilmember Broden asked, What are you doing for 2018? <br /> Mr. Horvath replied, We are looking at the same numbers and continuing the program as we <br /> have been. We've hit the worst areas first and we will start swinging back around and hitting the <br /> areas that still need it the most. AEP was somewhat limited on the numbers they could install in <br /> a year. If you remember, we were initially pushing really hard that first year and we got seventy- <br /> six (76) lights installed and they were tapped out in terms of getting their engineering done and <br /> getting that accomplished. We may be able to increase that number if we focused more on the <br /> areas where we have the existing poles. <br /> With no other business, Committee Chair Dr. Varner adjourned the Utilities Committee meeting <br /> at 5:05 p.m. <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> Dr. David Varner, Committee Chair <br /> 4 <br />