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Ms. Gindele replied, My neighbor Dave Faulkner has a stone retaining wall that the overgrowth <br /> grows over. <br /> Committee Chair Voorde restated the overgrowth issue and inquired about the possibility of <br /> cutting it back to the wall. <br /> Ms. Gindele stated,No one has hit my house yet to my knowledge. My main concern is the <br /> winter, as well as security. My neighbor has had break-ins and luckily I have not, but I think <br /> closing this alley may help the security. <br /> Committee Chair Voorde stated, There is a garage that opens to the alley. While it doesn't appear <br /> to be used now, what if somebody wanted to, in the future, use it? <br /> Ms. Gindele replied, That neighbor has plans for that and we have talked about that. If we get <br /> this permission to close the alley, we would ask for there to be a post at either end for no through <br /> traffic, but the post would be short of his garage so he could get out. He definitely wants access <br /> to his garage. <br /> Councilmember Williams-Preston asked, How frequently is the alley used by non-neighbors? <br /> Ms. Gindele replied, One (1)neighbor uses it a lot. Otherwise, the other nearby neighborhoods <br /> do not use it often. It used to get more traffic but because of the overgrowth, my end gets the <br /> most of it. It isn't regular traffic but certainly enough to make it worrisome. <br /> Committeemember Jo M. Broden asked, How many total garages open up on to the alley? <br /> Ms. Gindele replied, Just the one (1)we previously were talking about. <br /> Committee Chair Voorde opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak in favor of <br /> or in opposition to the legislation. <br /> Marty Wolfson, 809 Park Avenue, stated, I've lived at my address for twenty-seven(27) years <br /> and I've used the alley most of the time. I use the alley for the convenience and to save time. My <br /> only exit from my garage is to go north. If this were to be closed, it would be an inconvenience <br /> for me. I have not yet hit her house and have not come close. I do appreciate the concerns and <br /> she and I have had conversations, but we couldn't reach an agreement. <br /> Committee Chair Voorde turned the floor back to the Committee for further discussion or main <br /> motions. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott stated, I hope we can get to an agreement that works out for <br /> everybody. He then proceeded to engage in dialogue with Mr. Wolfson about possible alternative <br /> routes. <br /> Committee Chair Voorde reminded the Committee of the lack of quorum, therefore Bill No. 35- <br /> 17 was sent through to the full Council with no recommendation. With no further business, <br /> 2 <br />