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and one (1) west of Cushing Street. The original ordinance provided that the west alley would be <br /> vacated. In fact it is the east alley that will be vacated and this ordinance corrects that error. <br /> Committee Chair Voorde opened the floor to questions from the Committee and Council. There <br /> were none. Committee Chair Voorde then opened the floor to members of the public wishing to <br /> speak in favor of or in opposition to this legislation. There were none. He then turned the floor <br /> back to the Committee for further comments or main motion. <br /> Committeemember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to send Bill No. 26-17 to the full Council with a <br /> favorable recommendation. Committemember Randy Kelly seconded this motion which carried <br /> unanimously by a voice vote of four (4) ayes. <br /> Committeemember Ferlic then made a motion to have Bill No. 28-17,Bill No. 29-17,Bill No. 30- <br /> 17, and Bill No. 31-17 heard at the same time, while still being voted on separately. <br /> Committeemember Kelly seconded this motion which carried unanimously by a voice vote of <br /> four(4) ayes. <br /> Bill No. 28-17- Georgiana Alley Street Vacation (Eddy Street Commons Phase II) <br /> Bill No. 29-17-Howard Street Alley Vacation (Eddy Street Commons Phase II) <br /> Bill No. 30-17- 14' Eddy Street Alley Vacation (Eddy Street Commons Phase II) <br /> Bill No. 31-17-Eddy Street Alley Vacation (Eddy Street Commons Phase II) <br /> Tony Halsey, Kite Realty, stated, These vacation requests are to allow the second phase of the <br /> Eddy Street Commons Development. Starting from the north block, we have 8,400 square feet of <br /> retail. We also have one (1) floor of flex space. There are also three (3) floors of residential space <br /> above. The southern block south of St. Vincent are three (3) story residential units as well. We <br /> would relocate the Robinson Center and would double the size to 6,500 square feet. Mr. Halsey <br /> showed pictures on the presentation(which is available in the City Clerk's Office) of what the <br /> development will look like. <br /> Mr. Halsey continued, The four(4) ordinances are lumped by block. The first vacation is for the <br /> east/west alley in what we are calling Block C. The second ordinance is for the triangular piece <br /> of the Howard Street right of way that is leftover from prior to the relocation. Blocks D and E <br /> pertain to the third ordinance in which the long north/south alley,the short little east/west alley <br /> and a bit of Georgiana Avenue will be vacated. The last ordinance is for the former Eddy Street <br /> right of way south of Howard. That would allow for a future phase of Eddy Street III. These <br /> vacations are just a continuing of the natural progression of the Eddy Street Commons <br /> Development. <br /> Committee Chair Voorde opened the floor to questions from the Committee or Council. <br /> Councilmember Dr. David Varner asked, Has anything changed with the layout since your <br /> presentation of bond requests? <br /> 2 <br />