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had a number of classes during the past couple of years and some of the boat motors have gotten <br /> damaged and there is a decent amount of fund reserve in that account so we are only going to use <br /> $28,000 for some repairs to the motors and boats. That is the Indiana River Rescue Fund. Next, <br /> the Morris Performing Arts Center marquee sign is in need of some repair. That fund receives <br /> one dollar($1)per ticket sale so there is no property tax or income tax money going into that <br /> Fund at all. The last one is $1,000 for the Erskine Village to pay off the bond which happened <br /> back in January, we just didn't have quite enough in the budget. It has already been paid off. <br /> Committee Chair White opened the floor to questions from the Committee and Council <br /> members. <br /> Committeemember Williams-Preston asked, I would like to hear from the Department of <br /> Community Investment about the $100,000 for the housing study. <br /> James Mueller, Department of Community Investment with offices on the 14th floor of the <br /> County-City Building, stated, When we put in the budget request over three (3) weeks ago, we <br /> didn't have an estimate. So the $100,000 sounds like a round number and it is. We took the <br /> downtown study which was one (1) area, and multiplied it by roughly seven(7)to eight(8) <br /> impact areas. Since then, Councilmember Williams-Preston and the team have started to focus in <br /> on where those impact areas will be. We have also been in contact with potential housing market <br /> providers and it looks like the cost could come down to $40,000, but may be between that and <br /> $70,000 when all is said and done. The charge for this originated when the need was expressed <br /> for a comprehensive housing market study, looking at all housing types across the City. When <br /> we started contacting consultants,they said it would be better to start focusing on areas. That is <br /> what we have been working on is honing in on the areas. <br /> Committeemember Williams-Preston asked, Have you decided on what company to use? <br /> Mr. Mueller replied, We have a preference but haven't made any formal agreements. That <br /> decision will not be made until the funds are appropriated. <br /> Committeemember Williams-Preston followed up, My understanding was that if the cost to one <br /> (1)particular company was going to be more than $25,000, you would have to do a request for <br /> proposal. Can you clarify that? <br /> Mr. Mueller replied, We can opt to do a request for proposal but that will slow down the process <br /> with professional services because they are unique in what they are offering. They aren't seen as <br /> a commoditized project like a road or sidewalk. The $25,000 limit is from the Board of Public <br /> Works. <br /> Committeemember Williams-Preston then asked, So you could spend up to the $100,000 on <br /> which ever company you pick?And who makes the decision? <br /> Mr. Mueller replied, That will go through the Board of Public Works. Usually the Department <br /> will propose and go through the process,but it will end up before the Board of Public Works. <br /> 5 <br />