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Charlotte Pfeifer, 1013 W. Washington Street, stated, The administration puts the budget <br /> together, but Council passes it. I would love to see a commitment from Council that you will not <br /> pass a budget that does not have money in it for our neighborhoods. We must hold our <br /> administration accountable for our budgeting. I would like to see the administration and the <br /> legislative branch work together. <br /> Councilmember Davis stated, And it's not even just putting the money into the budget. It is a <br /> matter of putting enough money into it. I voted against the budget last year and plan to again this <br /> year if there isn't enough money in it for neighborhoods, Transpo and housing development. <br /> Kevin Hoggard, 125 W. Marion Street, stated, In the presentation,the $6 million number was <br /> given. Divide that amongst one-hundred(100)homes, that's a lot. <br /> Councilmember Davis stated, We are glad to start these conversations and to be asking these <br /> questions early before the budget season. <br /> Carrie Casey, 421 Manitou Place, stated, We need a new core of young people of color doing <br /> these contracting jobs. <br /> Miran McKinu reproached the podium to briefly describe his process of becoming a licensed <br /> minority contractor. <br /> With no further business to discuss, Committee Chair Williams-Preston adjourned the <br /> Community Relations Committee meeting at 7:46 p.m. <br /> ectfully Submitted, <br /> R n Williams-Preston, Chairperson <br /> i <br /> R <br />