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O4,610TR8�' <br /> r^ <br /> a a <br /> 1865 <br /> OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK <br /> KAREEMAH FOWLER,CITY CLERK <br /> COMMUNITY RELATIONS MAY 3, 2017 6:00 P.M. <br /> Committee Members Present: Regina Williams-Preston, Karen White (late) <br /> Committee Members Absent: Gavin Ferlic, Randy Kelly <br /> Other Council Present: John Voorde, Jo M. Broden(late), Oliver Davis (late) <br /> Other Council Absent: Tim Scott, Dr. David Varner <br /> Others Present: Graham Sparks (partial), Kareemah Fowler (partial), <br /> Alkeyna Aldridge (partial) <br /> Presenters: Anne Mannix <br /> Agenda: New Development in South Bend-Neighborhood <br /> Development Associates <br /> Miscellaneous <br /> Committee Chair Regina Williams-Preston called to order the Community Relations Committee <br /> meeting at 6:00 p.m. She introduced members of the committee as well as the presenter for the <br /> meeting. She went on to discuss the agenda of the meeting and briefly mentioned the topics of <br /> affordable housing, diversity, and inclusivity. She then gave the floor to the presenter of the <br /> evening. <br /> New Development in South Bend -Neighborhood Development Associates <br /> Annie Mannix,Neighborhood Development Associates, stated, My job is to help people find <br /> money so they can realize their idea of what kind of housing they want. I work with the church <br /> and `466 Works.' They have a community development group that wanted money to build two <br /> (2) houses. The City was gracious enough to give the money to be able to build them. Then <br /> another church came to me wanting to build two (2) more houses and it seemed to me that doing <br /> two (2)houses at a time wouldn't get us where we need to go. So then I thought we should create <br /> a program called one-hundred (100) houses in five-hundred (5 00) days. This is a plan, it is not a <br /> formed project so we do not have any financial commitment. This is a dream at this point. We <br /> have a whole team of people working on it. We have the Near Northwest Neighborhood working <br /> 455 County-City Building•227 W.Jefferson Boulevard•South Bend,Indiana 46601 <br /> Phone 574-235-9221 •Fax 574-235-9173-TDD <br /> JENNIFER M.COFFMAN ALKEYNA M.ALDRIDGE JOSEPH MOLNAR <br /> CHIEF DEPUTY/DIRECTOR OF DEPUTY/DIRECTOR OF POLICY ORDINANCE VIOLATION CLERK <br /> OPERATIONS <br />