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gravel alley. We would make it a driveway by paving it. Right now, no one maintains it so it is <br /> full of pot-holes and water. No one uses it anymore, including utilities. It is extremely close to <br /> the house. We have a tenant that parks in the back. We would be putting a chain-link fence and a <br /> gate, and possibly plant some vines on it. There is a manhole in the back that is used by AEP <br /> every once in a while but they always have access from the other side. I also have a letter from <br /> the company next to us that is giving full support of our proposed vacation. In 2004 we tried to <br /> do this and it was approved, but the company did not have their own access. Now they do have <br /> their own access and they say it's fine. Our goal is to pave it and make it our driveway. We think <br /> this would make the area beautiful. <br /> Committee Chair Voorde asked,Normally when an alley is vacated, half goes to one property <br /> and the other half to the other. You're taking it all? <br /> Mr. Baumgartner confirmed he is taking it all. <br /> Committeemember Randy Kelly arrived at the meeting at 4:08 p.m. <br /> Councilmember White noted the difficulty in recommending this bill without someone from <br /> Community Investment to give specific remonstrance to this vacation. <br /> Committee Chair Voorde opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak in favor of <br /> or in opposition to the legislation. There were none. <br /> Committee Chair Voorde turned the floor back to the Committee for further discussion or main <br /> motion. Committeemember Ferlic made a motion to send Bill No. 21-17 to the full Council with <br /> no recommendation. Committeemember Kelly seconded the motion which carried by a voice <br /> vote of three (3) ayes and one (1) nay (Committeemember Jo M. Broden). <br /> Bill No. 23-17-Alley Vacation at Indiana and High Street(Pich) <br /> Andrew Pich, 717 E. Indiana Avenue, stated, I bought my house on a tax lien sale. I purchased <br /> the lot because I live at 721 E. Indiana Avenue. I noticed it wasn't taken care of much and I <br /> wanted to make it look a little better. I was thinking about off-street parking but was told I would <br /> then need a break in the curb. So my plan is to turn it into a driveway. <br /> Committee Chair Voorde turned the floor to the Committee for questions for the petitioner. <br /> Councilmember Dr. Varner asked, Have you spoken to your neighbors and is everyone alright <br /> with this? <br /> Mr. Pich confirmed he had done so and that everyone was aware and on board with his decision. <br /> Committee Chair Voorde noted that this would create a T-intersection that would require a radius <br /> area for turning. Mr. Pich confirmed the knowledge of that and gave a brief synopsis of the <br /> discussions had with the City's Engineering Department. <br /> 2 <br />