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Bill No. 09-70 - 5 Year Residential Tax Abatement for 1015 N. Frances <br />Chairperson Rouse opened the hearing by calling upon Bob Mathia to report on the petitions <br />eligibility. In brief, he described the project as asingle-family home valued at $615,000 to be built <br />having met all eligibility requirements. Home builder Dale Devon elaborated on the construction <br />noting amenities and timetable. Councilmember Puzzello and Catherine Andres made <br />appropriate motions which were supported by all to send to Council favorably. Chairperson <br />Rouse had pointed out prior to the vote that the house was not in a TIF area and would pay over <br />$33,000 in taxes over the 5 year abatement with only just over $2200 being abated. <br />Update Neighborhood Stabilization Program <br />In response to Council requests, Pam Meyer, Director of Community Development provided two <br />handouts for the Council (Attached.) The first was a "broad view" of federal funding for years <br />2007 through 2009. Explaining the charts and maps therein she noted the data presented was in <br />geographic form identifying the activity funded, the dollar amount and the sub-grantee agencies <br />providing the services. The other handout detailed timelines, activities, and dollars dedicated to <br />various components of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program in 2009. For these programs <br />over 4 million dollars was made available by the federal government through the Housing and <br />Economic Recovery Act to address abandoned and foreclosed properties. Various questions <br />were asked by the Council of Pam Meyer. Most focused on where and when dollars would be <br />spent. Ms. Meyer said the focus was on greatest need based upon data collected locally <br />including information on vacancy, subprime loans, and foreclosures. The amendment Ms. Meyer <br />offered to the appropriations passed by the Council in May did not affect total dollars available <br />only the amount for each activity... <br />After thanking Mrs. Meyer for the information, and there being no further business to come before <br />the Committee, Chairperson Rouse adjourned the meeting at 6:20 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Timothy A. Rom, airperson <br />Community a conomic Development Committee <br />