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F <br />ZONING AND ANNEXATION October 26. 2009 <br />. Davis, Vice-Chairperson, Zoning and Annexation Committee called the meeting t <br />p.m. <br />;tee Members Present: David Varner, Tom LaFountain <br />ouncilmember's Present: Derek Dieter, Timothy Rouse, Henry Davis, Ann Puzzell <br />Vhite <br />Present: Gary Gilot, Phil Byrd, Rita Kopala, Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, John Voc <br />Bill No. 54-09 -Amend Code PUD <br />Bill No. 09-67 - APC Design Guideline NNE <br />airperson of the Zoning and Annexation Committee Oliver J. Davis filling in for AI "I <br />cognized the Director of the Area Plan Commission, John Byorni, to make the <br />~tion for Bill No. 54-09. Byorni explained that the amendments to the Code pertain <br />Unit Developments (PUD) would remove the requirement that imposed deadlines <br />ers. Byorni explained safeguards were not abandoned. The language merely <br />ned the process eliminating redundancy. Nonetheless, following questions from <br />nember's Varner, Puzzello and Rouse which focused on a possible diminishment ~ <br />s oversight it was determined more discussion was necessary. To that end <br />nember Varner motioned, Councilmember LaFountain seconded and all agreed to <br />the bill until the next meeting on November 9, 2009. <br />)9-67 was presented by Jeff Vitton, Community and Economic Development Comr <br />wined the bill adopted design guidelines in the Northeast Neighborhood were the <br />ion of a year's long process of neighborhood collaboration. He noted the guideline <br />the force of law at this point; but would serve as a model for some comprehensive <br />hanges having the force of law in the future. Both the Area Plan Commission and <br />opment Commission approved the guidelines, Mr. Vitton noted. <br />nember Henry Davis questioned the apparent priority accorded to the Northeast <br />rhood over neighborhoods in his Second District. He also asked if a neiahborhooc <br />