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Committeemember Oliver Davis asked, Will there be the need to add any membership to the <br /> Board? <br /> Mr. Perri replied, I don't think we can do that. The state legislation dictates a nine (9) member <br /> board with four(4) council appointees and five (5) mayoral appointees. <br /> Commiteemember Davis then asked, In terms of marketing,will they now include the Morris? <br /> Mr. Perri replied, Yes. <br /> Committeemember Dr. David Varner asked, So you won't consolidate the budget, you'll still <br /> look at the budgets individually? <br /> Mr. Perri replied, Some of the funding streams are specifically earmarked and so we'll have to <br /> make sure we earmark that appropriately. But that is really just the second phase. This phase just <br /> allows it to happen. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden asked, So structurally, how will the existing boards relate to this <br /> Board? <br /> Mr. Perri replied, Currently there is no existing Board for the Morris Performing Arts Center. <br /> There is only one for the Century Center currently. There is a fundraising board that will remain <br /> intact. <br /> Councilmember Broden asked, Could you go over the pluses and minuses, and the possible <br /> challenges if this were to go through? <br /> Mr. Perri replied, The big part of Venues, Parks and Arts was to put all of the `Quality of Life' <br /> organizations under one (1)umbrella. Similar to the Board of Public Works, they oversee all the <br /> infrastructure in the City, but they still have distinct divisions with respective areas of <br /> responsibility. The same thing is here. With regard to challenges, it's always important to keep <br /> our eyes on the prize with the shared mission. Sometimes people can take consolidation poorly. <br /> Councilmember Davis asked, Can we cross train maintenance people into different areas? <br /> Mr. Perri answered, Yes, it offers wonderful flexibility and efficiency. <br /> With no further questions, Committee Chair Kelly opened the floor to members of the public <br /> wishing to speak in favor of or in opposition to the legislation. There were none. <br /> Committee Chair Kelly then opened the floor to the Committee for further discussion or main <br /> motions. Committeemember Dr. Varner made a motion to send Bill No. 19-17 to the full Council <br /> with a favorable recommendation. This motion was seconded by Committeemember Davis <br /> which carried by a voice vote of four(4) ayes. <br /> 2 <br />