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able to save some money in the unemployment area. As a matter of fact, we're not charging any <br /> of the department's unemployment taxes this year. The claims have been pretty low the last <br /> couple years and we have built up some reserves. The next one has to do with transfer of some <br /> COIT dollars for Parks Maintenance of City-owned properties. Similar in the Community <br /> Investment area, we've been paying some accounts out of a services account and we are just <br /> trying to add a bit more detail to the accounts. The last two (2) are for using the LOIT Special <br /> Distribution money and that's the $4.2 million special COIT distribution that all communities <br /> received a portion of during 2016. We're transferring some costs from capital to a services <br /> account. <br /> Committee Chair White opened the floor to questions from committee and council members. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden asked, Why was the Venues Parks &Arts in the 'I 0-'11 budget <br /> already? <br /> Mr. Murphy answered, We hadn't formally figured out the accounting, exactly, for that. We <br /> made some decisions afterwards and it is the same funding. <br /> Councilmember Broden then asked,Are the 1,000 vacant lots covered by the Parks Department? <br /> Mr. Murphy answered, Parks will be taking on all the City-owned properties. I can email the <br /> Council a list of all the City-owned properties. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott stated, There is the OpenData Portal online that provides a list of all <br /> of the properties that are vacant and abandoned. We need to promote that. <br /> With no other questions from the committee or council, Committee Chair White opened the floor <br /> to members of the public wishing to speak in favor of or in opposition to the legislation. There <br /> was no one. <br /> Committee Chair White turned the floor back to the committee for further comment or main <br /> motion. Committeemember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to send Bill No. 15-17 to the full <br /> Council with a favorable recommendation. This motion was seconded by Committeemember <br /> John Voorde and carried by a voice vote of four(4) ayes. <br /> Committee Chair White then proceed to the next item on the agenda and turned the floor over to <br /> the presenters. <br /> Bill No. 16-17-March Civil City Funds <br /> Mr. Murphy stated, Civil City funds are the non-enterprise funds. Typically we receive property <br /> or income tax for these. Going through the list,there is a wide variety. We missed a budget <br /> appropriation in 2016 for the Fire Department fund and we weren't able to encumber it. It was <br /> budgeted last year, for replacement radios, but it was not encumbered. We have a rule, and most <br /> all Cities do,that if you don't have the contract in hand, you can't encumber the money. The <br /> next one relates directly to the other transfer in the Parks Department,this is appropriating the <br /> 2 <br />