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��SpUTii{8��� <br /> ti <br /> N C <br /> U <br /> W PEACE <br /> �e \� <br /> 1865 <br /> OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK <br /> KAREEMAH FOWLER,CITY CLERK <br /> UTILITIES JANUARY 23, 2017 5:46 p.m. <br /> Committee Members Present: Dr. David Varner, Oliver Davis, Randy Kelly, <br /> Regina Williams-Preston <br /> Other Council Present: Jo M. Broden, Tim Scott, John Voorde <br /> Others Present: Kareemah Fowler, Graham Sparks, Aladean <br /> DeRose, Adriana Rodriguez <br /> Presenters: Michael Schmidt, Eric Horvath <br /> Agenda: Bill No. 06-17—Reaffirming Ordinance 10461-16 <br /> regarding compact and assessment fees <br /> Bill No. 66-16—Addressing New Water Rates and <br /> Charges <br /> Committee Chair Dr. David Varner called the meeting to order with two (2) items on the agenda. <br /> Committeemember Dr. David Varner announced that Bill No. 66-16 would be continued <br /> indefinitely. <br /> Sill No. 06-17—Reaffirming Ordinance 10461-16 regarding compact and assessment fees <br /> Michael Schmidt,Assistant City Attorney, with offices on the 12'h Floor of the County-City <br /> Building, South Bend, IN, served as the presenter of this bill. Mr. Schmidt stated that he comes <br /> before the Committee to reaffirm Ordinance 10461-16. This was brought before the Council in <br /> October, 2016 and passed. Mr. Schmidt stated, That particular ordinance largely dealt with the <br /> removal of compact fees and the assessment of system development charges for wastewater and <br /> water users. We did not provide proper notice to wastewater users outside of the City's corporate <br /> boundaries. This really deals with three (3) or four(4) sections that only touch upon wastewater <br /> users outside of the corporate district. The rest of that ordinance is still good, actionable law. The <br /> only thing that exists right here, in front of the Council, is to allow for a public hearing, pursuant <br /> to the statute, so that all users outside of the corporate boundaries may provide an opportunity to <br /> get their voice to the Council about the rate change and, in this particular instance,the fourteen <br /> percent(14%) surcharge that was being implemented in place of compact fees. It is fourteen <br /> 455 County-City Building•227 W.Jefferson Boulevard•South Bend,Indiana 46601 <br /> Phone 574-235-9221 •Fax 574-235-9173•TDD <br /> JENNIFER M.COFFMAN ALKEYNA M.ALDRIDGE JOSEPH MOLNAR <br /> CHIEF DEPUTY/DIRECTOR OF DEPUTY/DIRECTOR OF POLICY ORDINANCE VIOLATION CLERK <br /> OPERATIONS <br />