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Committeemember Randy Kelly stated, I think this is a public safety issue we need to act on <br /> right away. Creative use of TIF dollars is a good idea but we need to get this rate increase passed <br /> regardless. <br /> Committee Chair Dr. Varner stated, I do agree with Ms. White in that we have to look at using <br /> TIF dollars in a judicious fashion. There is approximately $30 million coming into the TIF fund <br /> every year, half of which is cash at the ready. We can ask for some of that. I think there's a <br /> general agreement that the funding is necessary and that we need to find a way to get it done. We <br /> could have a Utility Committee meeting between now and the next full Council meeting and the <br /> Mayor or his staff could attend it. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott asked, If we amend this, do we need to put it out for public input <br /> again? <br /> Interim Council Attorney Aladean DeRose answered,Not if the amendment is a lower rate than <br /> this. If it is higher than this proposal then yes, you would have to. <br /> Committeemember Davis asked, What if the plan is just longer, would we have to put it back out <br /> into the public hearing? <br /> Interim Council Attorney DeRose answered, This vote is only for one (1) year. The presentation <br /> to the IURC is only for one (1) year. <br /> Committeemember Davis then asked, Whatever rate is passed, how do we advocate our issue to <br /> the IURC as a Council? Is there an opportunity for the public to get involved with that process? <br /> Interim Council Attorney DeRose replied, The IURC has its own public hearing, and it could be <br /> held here in South Bend upon request. There will be a local hearing, and there will be a second <br /> hearing in Indianapolis. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, We are voting on a bill that, with all due respect, is held at the <br /> Administration level. This is their bill. <br /> Committee Chair Dr. Varner stated, The recommendation is $3 million a year for five (5) years <br /> from TIF funds. <br /> Dr. James Mueller, Chief of Staff to the Mayor, stated, I suggest it to be highly unlikely to use <br /> Riverwest TIF, which would be to use money from west of the river to subsidize ratepayers in <br /> the 4t'District that are more affluent. Bridge funding is not a good strategy of funding basic <br /> water infrastructure. <br /> Councilmember Broden stated, So in terms of this evening, it seems as though we still have a <br /> need to address the basic questions of this proposal. We also have some basic process questions. <br /> If we can't even get this two (2) year plan, what does that mean comprehensively?And what is <br /> our back-up plan? <br /> 3 <br />