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Councilmember Karen White asked, On your report, it was mentioned you had three (3)people <br /> speak in opposition in terms of noise, traffic, and hours utilized. Were those concerns addressed? <br /> Ms. Smith replied, They were primarily concerned with the parking and the noise, and the <br /> petitioner would be best to answer this specific question. <br /> Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston asked, Do you know what the property was used for <br /> previously? <br /> Ms. Smith answered, It has actually had a variety of uses over the years, most commonly and <br /> recently an event center. <br /> Committee Chair Davis then turned the floor to the petitioner. <br /> Mike Danch, 1643 Commerce Dr., stated, I'm also here with the owner David Nufer to answer <br /> any questions. We're mainly just trying to bring this property into compliance. When the Nufer's <br /> purchased this property, it was being used as an event center for four(4) or five (5) years, and <br /> that was against what the zoning permits here and they had assumed that it was zoned properly. <br /> The Nufer's wanted to put up a fagade sign and when they were in that process,the Building <br /> Department notified them that this was not permitted and that the General Industrial (GI) zoning <br /> classification does not allow for an event center. So to take care of that problem, we are going <br /> through this process. We will be paving the parking portion,most of it is gravel at this time. We <br /> did get variances approved for setbacks and the type of landscaping required. We will be putting <br /> a solid screening fence along the whole south side boundary. The previous owner didn't pay <br /> much attention to the noise and trash problems that were occurring, as well as parking problems. <br /> Mr.Nufer has committed to working with the neighbors and will be posting signs for parking. <br /> He will also have security at all events, partnering with the County Police officers. <br /> David Nufer, 2409 Mishawaka Ave., stated, To speak directly to Councilmember White's <br /> question, we did speak to two (2) neighbors concerned with the length of time for events. We <br /> guaranteed them that no event would run after mid-night. The past owners used to run until one <br /> (1) or two (2) in the morning, and we don't do that. We will put up signage for parking to be sure <br /> people are parking in the lot, and not on the street. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott stated, Dave, how is traffic exiting the building?And how many <br /> people does the building hold? <br /> Mr.Nufer answered, There are only really two (2) exits. One (1) is to come south on Goodson <br /> Ct. and the other is to go east on an alley. Very few people use the alley because it goes to <br /> Ironwood and makes it almost impossible to turn left. Capacity is four hundred(400) on one side <br /> and about one hundred and fifty(150) on the other side. These numbers are based on the zoning. <br /> Committeemember Jo M. Broden asked, Will the parking be in the marketing of the events? <br /> 2 <br />