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invest for us; and other types of interest earnings. That was $2,300,000 for 2016, which is <br /> actually on the next page, Page Twenty-Three (23). That is actually the highest we have earned <br /> in recent years, so we're happy about that. Pages Twenty-Four(24) and Twenty-Five (25) is a <br /> detailed summary of interest earned—earnings by fund. We take a lot of pride in making sure <br /> each fund is treated fairly, as far as the interest rate earning. It is a pooled account that Rahman <br /> allocates the interest to each time. On Pages Twenty-Six (26)through Twenty-Eight(28), we <br /> have a cash reserves policy in place for every fund. You also receive a monthly report on cash <br /> reserves versus policy. We compare total cash minus encumbrances against these benchmarks. I <br /> believe we ended the year with all funds in compliance with the policy. I think there were three <br /> (3)that were under. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott stated that the pages referenced were actually Pages Twenty-Nine <br /> (29)through Thirty (30). <br /> Councilmember John Voorde made a motion to approve the cash reserves policy. <br /> Councilmember Dr. David Varner seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of six (6) <br /> ayes. <br /> Councilmember Broden asked Mr. Murphy to go over transfers within the Redevelopment <br /> Commission on Page Twenty-One (21). <br /> Mr. Murphy stated, When Eddy Street Commons and the Triangle projects were initially funded, <br /> part of the funding for that was an inter-fund borrowing to the major moves account. Those are <br /> booked as loans, so we are paying them back from these TIF funds to major moves. There is a <br /> schedule that describes exactly when the payments are due. The one from the airport TIF for <br /> $400,000 that was a loan from, I believe, Fund 409 for a similar type of arrangement. So, they <br /> are loans from one fund to the other, but we don't forget about them. We have schedules that <br /> require repayment at certain times,kind of like a bank would do. That's what those are. Dr. <br /> Varner, back in the day, suggested we put those on the Controller's Report,because those are <br /> commitments of cash that will have to be paid off before additional <br /> Councilmember Dr. Varner interjected, That was because, back in the day, I wasn't certain they <br /> were being honored. I thought a lot of discussions were had and... <br /> Mr. Murphy stated, Yeah, they are definitely being honored. We are caught up with all our inter- <br /> fund loans. <br /> Councilmember Dr. Varner responded, I think that it's very helpful for anybody that is looking at <br /> it to know that it's happening. <br /> Councilmember Broden asked, Within your Redevelopment Commission Controlled Funds, are <br /> their intra-loans possible with those funds? So, River West going to East, or...? <br /> Mr. Murphy responded, We don't have any,no. It could be possible, but we don't currently have <br /> any. They used to have some inter-fund loans from River West to Blackthorn,but there are no <br /> current loans. These are all the inter-fund loans, here. <br /> 4 <br />