Laserfiche WebLink
Committee Chair Scott stated, We will follow up with them later about that. My concern is <br /> sometimes it takes a lot of searching for just a simple thing. We need to make sure we listen to <br /> feedback about accessibility. We are also looking at live Facebook streaming. <br /> City Clerk Fowler stated, We are already streaming live outside of Facebook. WNIT also streams <br /> the first two (2) hours, but we will be renegotiating the contract with WNIT to see if we can <br /> extend that time. We upload the video to YouTube the morning after. <br /> Committee Chair Scott asked City Clerk Fowler to describe the layout of the whole recording <br /> system. City Clerk Fowler gave a brief summary of the equipment used and the process it goes <br /> through. <br /> Charles Barber, Santiago Garces and Dan O'Connor arrived at the meeting. <br /> Santiago Garces stated, We don't have a timeline for the website but we are going to try and <br /> integrate 311 and start tracking the inquiries. I'm glad to know we have citizen members on the <br /> committee because it's important to get feedback on what citizens want to see. We have looked <br /> at a number of different other cities sites, but we have a certain structure to capture exactly what <br /> we would like to do. <br /> Committee Chair Scott then brought back up the conversation about live streaming. <br /> Mr. Campau stated, I am still a fan of a YouTube solution. <br /> Charles Barber stated, There are a few products out there that will stream to Facebook and <br /> YouTube. <br /> City Clerk Fowler stated, I will follow up with BIS, seeing that we are already live streaming <br /> with them,to see if they have any solutions or options for us. <br /> Dan O'Connor stated, Let us know how we can be any resource or help to you. <br /> Committee Chair Scott continued on with other items on the agenda. The Committee briefly <br /> discussed the size and usage of Dropbox. There was also brief discussion about how Laserfiche <br /> archives documents, and the relationship between both Laserfiche and Dropbox. There was then <br /> conversation about the possibility of having Council members pilot the use of Microsoft Surface <br /> Tablets, in hopes of eliminating the need for having both a personal computer and an iPad. <br /> Committee Chair Scott also entertained a few comments on electronic filing and the acceptance <br /> of electronic signatures. <br /> Mr. Campau stated, Some of you may be familiar with the City of Chattanooga's `Fiber to the <br /> Home' deployment they did. I've been field-testing this idea with coworkers at the School <br /> Corporation. I think it would be fantastic for the City to explore this as a possibility, either short <br /> range wireless or fiber to the home. The two (2) big hurdles are obviously the money and getting <br /> the actual fiber to the home. I've have discussions already with AEP and they aren't entirely <br /> open to the idea. <br /> 2 <br />