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same time we had a gentleman by the name of Andrae Bailey, who is the CEO of the Central <br /> Florida Commission on Homelessness. He came out with a very intense awareness campaign for <br /> the City of Orlando. All of these things fell into place accidentally at the same time. So we had <br /> an intense awareness campaign, lots of media in town because of the new shelter, and then a <br /> teacher who was living homeless on the streets. The media thought it was very interesting and <br /> for the last sixteen(16) or seventeen(17) days of my thirty (3 0) days on the street, it was on the <br /> news every night. It really changed the game. Not specifically my campaign, but with these three <br /> (3) issues happening all at once, I watched my community change. It used to be that people <br /> thought the Mayor of Orlando hated the homeless. Since then, I have lived homeless in thirteen <br /> (13) different cities across the United States,voluntarily. What I found was a hole in homeless <br /> services. <br /> Mr. Rebman continued, There isn't a lot of good guidance out there, business wise. What I mean <br /> by that is you have the United States Interagency Council, which is the federal authority that is <br /> giving guidance, and then each state takes that guidance and tailors it to themselves. They all <br /> have the same rules,but they all operate under different means. What I saw was a disconnect. <br /> For example if we took someone from Hope Ministries or any other service providers we have <br /> here today, what executive director there, or city or county councilperson has the time to go <br /> review everything that everyone has done nation-wide to find out what works and what doesn't <br /> work?I don't think any of the non-profit executive directors have the time to do that. So that's <br /> why I did what I did. Since then, I have been studying homelessness throughout the nation. I <br /> visited with literally every continuative caregiver in Florida. I am data-driven and have done all <br /> of the research and there is a big hole between continuums that want to improve,to improve. To <br /> get them all of the knowledge through both research and best practices is critical. <br /> Mr. Rebman went on,Now, I'll share with you how I got to South Bend. When I was living <br /> homeless,there were over 1 million people at one (1)point or another, following my posts. <br /> Social media helped introduce me to some of the services and the leaders in the South Bend <br /> community. Mr. Kevin Smith is who I started talking with initially last November. What I saw <br /> here is a community that is absolutely poised to be a national model. I go all over the country and <br /> I'm not going to say that anywhere else. I don't want you to think this is a sales pitch, it's not. <br /> South Bend has the best chance for success than any other city I've been in. In every other <br /> community I go to,my biggest goal is to get engagement from the people that are needed to fix <br /> this problem because it is a very complex problem. There is a medical aspect of it, there is a law <br /> enforcement aspect of it, and the list can go on with the people needing to be engaged.No one <br /> has the engagement that South Bend does. People are trying to work toward that engagement. <br /> Everyone in South Bend is truly excited for coming up with a solution in South Bend. Though it <br /> is a complex problem,this is a very solvable problem. A lot of people when they think <br /> homelessness for some reason think it's a big complex enigma that can't be fixed. Well the truth <br /> is, we have great model throughout the country of people that are doing things right. The <br /> guidance is out there,the funding is there, so it is a very solvable problem. All that is truly <br /> needed to solve this is community and political will. <br /> Mr. Rebman explained, There are three (3)things that exist within every city that has had <br /> success. The first thing every community had was a point person, a face. Let me be clear, this is <br /> not somebody that is knowledgeable about homelessness. What they do is they are a <br /> 2 <br />