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budget process approved an additional position,Assistant Director, within Code Enforcement. <br /> We must follow up with that to see if the job has been posted or even if someone has been hired. <br /> We also heard through the budget process in terms of Code Enforcement the need to have <br /> additional investigators to really address what the citizens are asking from the Administration <br /> and the Council. <br /> Committee Chair Broden stated, I have been to some of the meetings of the Homeless Task <br /> Force coordinated by the Mayor's Office. We met on February 1, 2017 and July 17,2017 is <br /> when final recommendations and a report will be submitted. That will impact the legislation <br /> certainly forthcoming. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott added, Is there an update to PSAP-911? I know there is talk within <br /> the County as well to restructure the management teams and decision makers within PSAP-911. <br /> That will be crucial to us because we are the largest service and dollar amount provider to PSAP. <br /> As of now,their overall funding method is not sustainable. Also, I look forward to doing <br /> walkabouts in neighborhoods. <br /> Committee Chair Broden reminded the committee that they have received one (1) applicant thus <br /> far for citizen membership on the Health and Public Safety Committee and that there is training <br /> for that on March 6, 2017. She also let the committee and public know that she has worked to <br /> expand the meeting notification process to increase transparency. She stated, We are trying to <br /> stay ahead of the budget process because discussion for fiscal year 2018 is already starting next <br /> month. So it is important that we have the departments we oversee provide understanding of their <br /> goals and objectives early on so we can get public and committee input. <br /> Committee Chair Broden then opened the floor to the members of the community for any <br /> comment in regard to health and public safety. <br /> Robin Vida, Director of Health Education of St. Joseph County, stated, I'm here tonight to talk <br /> specifically about the establishment of our Food Access Council. This looks at food insecurity, <br /> hungers, and local sustainable food systems. We use the term Food Access Council to be able to <br /> be broad. The three (3) core values used to start strategic planning and development are access, <br /> sustainability and health. We know food insecurity, hunger and obesity actually are titled the <br /> `triple threat.' We see that those who are the most food insecure tend to have the poorest health <br /> outcomes. We are taking and shifting the lens of the work we are doing at the Health Department <br /> to look specifically at social determinants. Things like food access, community support, <br /> transportation, education, and employment all impact health outcomes. The Food Access Council <br /> is the first attempt at making some change. So far we have developed a map of the entire County <br /> that's based on the census tract and it has each census in terms of poverty, income level and food <br /> insecurity rate—which is established by the USDA. We have clustered those census tracts to do <br /> primary food system assessments to see what resources do exist and do not exist, and then <br /> talking to those in those tracts to find the disconnect between resource and access. One of the <br /> most food insecure areas is the area closest to the Martins on Portage Ave. So, technically they <br /> don't qualify as a food dessert, so finding out why they aren't using that grocery store and <br /> finding the barriers is imperative to solving the problem. <br /> 2 <br />