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our neighborhood. They offer a lot of great things to the neighborhood and we want to help them <br /> expand. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott asked, Will this change any of the parking? <br /> Mr. Hart replied, The parking in the grass lot will be gone,we are not using it anymore this <br /> season. With regard to where the old Michiana Lock& Key lot was,that has been parking. Part <br /> of it will be used by the church for church services.Nothing will be majorly affected by this. <br /> Councilmember Karen White asked, Will Pastor Derrickson be speaking in favor of this or be <br /> part of the presentation? <br /> Pastor Chris Derrickson, 3901 Brookton Dr., stated, I'll speak in favor of the development <br /> happening on Monroe Street. It is adding a great addition to the City of South Bend. I got to <br /> know Joe Hart and the meetings have been very cordial. I look for good things to happen. <br /> Committee Chair Voorde then opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak in <br /> favor of or in opposition to the legislation. There were none. <br /> Committee Chair Voorde then turned the floor back to the Committee for any further discussion <br /> or main motion. Interim Council Attorney Aladean DeRose raised a point of order to <br /> acknowledge acceptance of the written agreement between the South Bend Cubs and the church, <br /> to which Mr. Corcoran verified the agreement will be prepared and ready for the 7:00 p.m. <br /> meeting of the full Council. <br /> Committeemember Randy Kelly made a motion to send Bill No. 18-17 to the full Council with a <br /> favorable recommendation. This motion was seconded by Committeemember Jo M. Broden <br /> which carried unanimously by a voice vote of three (3) ayes. <br /> Bill No. 20-17- Correctinz Scrivener's Error Ord. No. 9717-06 <br /> Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston left the meeting. <br /> Aladean DeRose, Interim Council Attorney, stated, It was requested that I prepare the ordinance, <br /> which I did. This is a one (1) word misidentification in an original ordinance. East—West vs. <br /> North—South. It is just needed to be corrected for simple detail. <br /> Committee Chair Voorde opened the floor to questions from the Committee or Council. There <br /> were none. Committee Chair Voorde then opened the floor to members of the public wishing to <br /> speak in favor of or in opposition to the legislation. There were none. <br /> Committee Chair Voorde then turned the floor back to the Committee for further comment or <br /> main motion. Committeemember Broden made a motion to send Bill No. 20-17 to the full <br /> Council with a favorable recommendation. This motion was seconded by Committemember <br /> Kelly which carried unanimously by a voice vote of three (3) ayes. <br /> 2 <br />