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Mr. Hunt replied, I take clients for GVI seventeen (17) years old and up, so there is a `gap' with <br /> those younger kids. But we are creating a JDAI which is the junior version of GVI, which is <br /> relatively the same set up. <br /> Councilmember Broden asked, What is your priority in terms of scaling up at this older level or a <br /> younger early intervention? <br /> Mr. Hunt answered, Both need to be done, but more needs to be done at the younger level. We <br /> have the older level locked down. <br /> Councilmember Davis asked, Do you see monies coming from the school systems?And how <br /> many people do other cities have, doing what you're doing? <br /> Mr. Hunt replied, There are so many social services that need money and there isn't enough. We <br /> spread it and use it effectively. We need to come up with a collective idea to provide wrap- <br /> around services for individuals. <br /> Committee Chair Williams-Preston gave the floor to the next presenter. <br /> Jan Brown, Community for Peace and Non-violence, stated, This organization started several <br /> years ago with the Peace Churches. It used to be just pastors getting together over lunch and just <br /> talking about how to live out Jesus' way of life. It has evolved into something different. Still <br /> based on that mission, I am Interim Coordinator. We see ourselves as a catalyst to promote what <br /> others are doing. I would like to change our bylaws a little to build our resources. In the last <br /> couple of years,the focus was restorative justice. The spring-board was the school to prison <br /> pipeline day-long seminar at IUSB. We have an educational event every other month. We've <br /> worked with teachers in the South Bend Schools who use restorative justice. We had a meeting <br /> with an administrator from South Bend Schools and they got very excited about restorative <br /> justice. Dr. Spells has some background in restorative justice. With all due respect to the school <br /> district, we have a long history of punitive attitude toward kids with problems. Often times the <br /> school administration just wants to get them out of the building. There needs to be a coordinated <br /> approach to the trauma and problems. I tell kids all the time to grow up to be a productive citizen <br /> and pay taxes because that means I can retire. The gun violence resolution recently passed was a <br /> step. My main concern is the institutional racism and economic disparities. These are things that <br /> many people don't even know or question. We need to look at how people can change with the <br /> removal of the barriers. As a community, I would hope we could get stakeholders to <br /> communicate together to make a change. <br /> Councilmember Davis asked, When does your organization meet? Are they open to the public? <br /> How do we get on the email list? <br /> Ms. Brown replied, I will add your email to my list. We do the meetings on the second Saturdays <br /> of every month. They are open to the public. <br /> Committee Chair Williams-Preston extended the meeting time to allow the last three (3) <br /> presenters. <br /> 5 <br />