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was actually a very positive thing. One of the resources we use today, giving free breakfast at <br /> school, was actually invented by the Black Panther Party. It got destroyed because of a thing <br /> called COINTELPRO. Active COINTELPRO has created things like the War on Drugs, where a <br /> lot of black people end up mass-incarcerated. Our organization stands for Neighborhoods United, <br /> which works for revolution, and that means change. Change in our communities, change in our <br /> schools, and change in our cities. There is a lack of leadership and a lack of structure in the <br /> Black Community. The reason we see so much violence in the black community is because of <br /> poverty. People are robbing each other because they have no real means of survival within the <br /> community. We try to break it down to our youth that there is a system made for you to fail. <br /> Once we understand that, we learn to reverse that cycle so we will no longer fall into the trap. <br /> (Councilmember Tim Scott arrived at the meeting.) Our mission is to save lives and build <br /> leaders. This week, we started a week called `Peace Week' and it is basically youth violence <br /> awareness. There's a big conversation about gangs but South Bend doesn't have real gangs. <br /> Gangs have structure, rules and regulations. Our city doesn't have that. Our city has groups of <br /> kids that have no resources. We have no community centers for them to go to and participate in. I <br /> was in a group called F-Block more than five (5) or six (6) years ago. There was a community <br /> center at Fremont Park which I have not been able to use since the 3rd grade. I asked all my <br /> homies on the block, `If we had that community center, a full library, a computer lab and <br /> programs out there to work around us, do you think we would have been fifteen(15) years old <br /> having guns, selling drugs and shooting dice at the park?' Everybody said no. There was no <br /> attention paid to us so we had to turn to the bigger homies on the block. That's where NU Black <br /> Power and Fremont Park come together and bridge that gap. We have a class called Young <br /> Royalty, which there is always the word of the day: BLACK. That stands for Building <br /> Leadership and Community Knowledge. We tell the kids about their history before slavery. <br /> Many don't know that we were kings and queens and taught many different things before we <br /> came to this country as slaves. Many want to start our history as slaves but we take it deeper than <br /> that. We want the kids to know they are kings and queens, not thugs or the n-word. We had a <br /> class today where I broke down BLACK. I said we're in a building right now. To have a <br /> building,you have to have walls and a foundation. To be a leader, you have to have respect. You <br /> have to have respect for yourself, your fellow man and the people around you. The `and' is the <br /> bridge that is bringing together the community and the knowledge. You have to have a <br /> foundation for the youth and community to attach to. We have to have Black Power, Black Love <br /> and Black Unity. Once we have that,we'll be able to come together and become something real <br /> in our community and not just what you see on the news, which is mostly negativity. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis arrived at the meeting. <br /> Committee Chair Williams-Preston asked, Could you briefly explain the Street Smarts effort? <br /> Mr. Casey replied, That's actually a combination of both Fremont Youth and NU Black Power. <br /> Sometimes we get personal with the kids and ask what specifically is going on at home. We tell <br /> the kids there is no such thing as bad,just poor attitudes and poor life choices. When they go to <br /> school and they have an attitude problem,the teacher wants to label them as bad. We come in <br /> and ask why they are feeling that way. In some situations we find out a kid got in trouble for <br /> fighting when it was actually him who was getting bullied, and no one was doing anything about <br /> it. We try to be that proactive bridge. A lot of people I know between the Black Lives Matter <br /> rally I did last year and the `Fire Knepper' campaign think we are a reactive group,but we are a <br /> 2 <br />