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getting together and finding out what those are is important. In the Community Relations <br /> Committee I chair, we are discussing some programs to get curbs and sidewalks refurbished in <br /> communities and seeing how students can bring their ideas to that reality. <br /> James Mueller, Chief of Staff to the Mayor, stated, We are undergoing purchasing-procurement <br /> consolidation that's spread across all the departments right now, and trying to get that more <br /> centralized within the Administration and Finance Department. We hope to draft an idea for that, <br /> similar to what we did for Venues, Parks and Arts and how we moved ahead and then finalized it <br /> in the budget. Also, this year there will be some sort of public input component for the priority- <br /> based budgeting. We are still figuring out how that will work and where in the process it will be, <br /> but it will happen. We are also looking into the call center and gathering data from that to better <br /> understand the concerns citizens are having. <br /> John Murphy, City of South Bend Controller, stated,Not much else to add. We continue to <br /> monitor revenue. Property taxes were good for 2016, we still don't know what 2017 will be. We <br /> got the levy that we asked for but that doesn't always translate into revenue. Budget kick-off will <br /> be around late May. <br /> With no other business to discuss, Committee Chair White adjourned the Personnel and Finance <br /> Committee Organizational meeting at 5:21 p.m. <br /> RZsecAtf`ully Submitted,, <br /> Karen White, Committee Chair <br /> 2 <br />