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to be Multi-Family with some surface parking. Block D will be similar to the Single-Family <br /> town homes along Georgiana. Block E has more Multi-Family parking and the proposed <br /> redevelopment of the Robinson Learning Center on the south portion of the site. Blocks A and B <br /> are proposed to have a four(4) story height limit. Blocks C, D and E will all fall below the forty <br /> (40) feet or three (3) stories allowed within the MU (Mixed-Use) district. They are not asking for <br /> any height variances. Originally the petitioner made a written commitment to restrict the uses <br /> along Georgiana to residential. If the Council so chooses, tonight they can accept this legislation <br /> with that written commitment to be upheld. <br /> Committeemember Jerry Phipps asked, Was the original plan a high-rise for this area? <br /> Ms. Smith answered, The petitioner did receive from the Area Plan Commission a height <br /> variance for the northern two (2) blocks to go to the four stories. They are trying to be sensitive <br /> to the residential areas around the development. <br /> Doug Kirby, Kite Reality Group, stated, I don't have much more to add beyond what Angela just <br /> presented. I'm definitely available to answer any questions you may have. We met with the <br /> neighbors several times, worked with Notre Dame and really tried to work on a collaborative <br /> plan to address all the stakeholders. There will be a fifteen(15) foot buffer on the east side of the <br /> alley between the development and the residential neighborhood. Ultimately the old Robinson <br /> Center may become retail development, but right now they are in need of a much larger facility <br /> and that is what we are providing for them. There will be green scape and playground space for <br /> the Robinson Center. <br /> Councilmember Randy Kelly stated, I know that some of the issues brought by neighbors for <br /> Phase I have come to fruition.Namely,the issue of parking has been at the forefront. I'm <br /> wondering what we can do to alleviate some of these issues? <br /> Mr. Kirby replied, I think a permit program with the City could work. <br /> Committee Chair Davis stated, I encourage Notre Dame to continue working with the City <br /> toward that outcome. <br /> Brian Pawlowski, Community Investment with offices on the 14th floor of the County-City <br /> Building, stated, Our engineers are working with Notre Dame and the developers to conduct a <br /> traffic study on this portion of development. The permit option we may pursue is something very <br /> similar to the one (1)by Four Winds Field. <br /> Committeemember Jo M. Broden asked, When would be the timeframe for that data of the <br /> study?And is there a study on the already existing parking structure? <br /> Mr. Pawlowski replied, It is underway so probably within less than a month. <br /> Mr. Kirby replied, We have taken a look at the structure and why it is under-utilized. Maybe it is <br /> signage and we could improve that to get more of an understanding of the parking. <br /> 2 <br />