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turn in front of the people coming off,just to get off the ramp faster. I hope you make the right <br /> decision and just make our community our community again. <br /> Devon Vita, 51432 Righter Lane, South Bend, IN, asked why the property in question could not <br /> just be kept as farmland. Like the others, Mr. Vita pointed out the terrible traffic and how unsafe <br /> the roads are. He urged the Council to take this project elsewhere, like Nimtz Parkway where he <br /> said it belonged in the first place. <br /> Jeff Nicholas, 23821 Adams Road, South Bend, IN, stated that he has the property directly to the <br /> east of the proposed project. Mr. Nicholas stated that there was a time when the neighborhood <br /> was peaceful and pleasant,but no longer. He stated that he has two (2) cows and that he just <br /> bought ten(10)more, but he warned that he would be the first taxpayer to leave if the proposed <br /> project goes forward. He stated, They're putting a building onto me, I'm not putting agriculture <br /> onto them. We were the same, and now we're not. Mr. Nicholas explained that the fifty(50) feet <br /> of clearance was not enough. He stated, Their fifty (50) foot is from here to the hallway. You tell <br /> me how you're going to pass a thousand (1,000) vehicles,trucks, and cars, twenty-four(24) <br /> hours a day, in and out of that driveway passed my house, and you could live in it. You can't. <br /> There's no way. I don't know of a road like that that is within fifty(50) feet of somebody's <br /> bedroom. Mr.Nicholas insisted that this traffic problem would not be easily solved. He stated, <br /> Unless you get a traffic system out there for these people, it ain't going to work. <br /> Committeemember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to send Bill No. 78-16 to the full Council with <br /> no recommendation. Committeemember John Voorde seconded the motion which carried by a <br /> voice vote of four(4) ayes. <br /> With no further business before the Committee, Committee Chair Oliver Davis adjourned the <br /> meeting at 5:17 p.m. <br /> spe '11 Subm'm'6 <br /> live avis, C�mmittee air <br /> 16 <br />