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approximately two-hundred and fifty(250) feet. We reached out to the second landowner. He has <br /> written to the Council in support of this project. We reached out to approximately six (6) or <br /> seven(7) other property owners to address how we are practically offering more screening on <br /> Mayflower and working with the City to address the transportation and traffic issues. <br /> This being the time heretofore set for public comment on the above bill,proponents and <br /> opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br /> No one from the public wished to speak in favor of the bill. <br /> Those wishing to speak in opposition to the bill: <br /> Brandy Wolfe, 51180 Orange Road, South Bend, IN stated that she had one-hundred and thirty- <br /> nine (13 9) signatures for a petition against the proposed project. Ms. Wolfe was directed to hand <br /> the signatures to Clerk Kareemah Fowler, and so did. She stated that she, as well as those who <br /> signed the petition, would prefer the land in question remain farmland. She expressed frustration <br /> with the fact that County residents have no voice in comparison to those within City limits. She <br /> expressed concern that the Dylan extension would lead to biking accidents as bikers and semi- <br /> trucks potentially share the road. She stated that if there is to be development,that it should <br /> remain within the limits of the original PUD. She stated, We feel it will be able to embrace the <br /> community a little better. Ms. Wolfe went on to lament the fact that County residents don't seem <br /> to get any nice developments like those that other areas of town are getting. She felt that if the <br /> City chose to rezone the property to Light Industrial, it would be bailing on residents like her. <br /> She concluded by stating, We live here and we don't want to move, and we just want to be a part <br /> of what happens to our community. <br /> Tom Zmyslo, 51042 Prairie View Way, South Bend, IN, stated that he was a past president of <br /> the German Township Neighborhood Association. Mr. Zmyslo also develops property in St. <br /> Joseph County and German Township. Approximately three (3) months prior, he had gotten in <br /> contact with his County Councilperson in regards to the traffic that he had seen going on. He <br /> stated that since then, signs have been put up but the truck traffic is still substantial on Adams <br /> and Mayflower. He stated that he was shocked at what has gone on with the Portage Prairie <br /> project. In reference to the truck traffic on Cleveland, Adams, and Mayflower, he stated, It seems <br /> to me like we are getting the cart before the horse. Is Portage Prairie just a done thing? Are we <br /> just going to call the Ameriplex now? We're just going to do whatever, I guess, is what it looks <br /> like. He stated that many present that night were residents who were disappointed in the project. <br /> Mr. Zmyslo stated, What it started out to be and what it's turning out to be are two different <br /> things. He expressed frustration with diesel pollution from semi-trucks in the neighborhood. He <br /> urged the Council to turn the project down. <br /> Kathy Berzski, 24440 Adams Road, South Bend, IN, stated that she appreciated the citizens' <br /> questions as well as those of board and commission members. She expressed concern for the <br /> larger area of Waggoner properties west of the bypass. She stated that it was nice that they <br /> worked with a neighbor to help move the road over. She did not see what has been proposed as a <br /> solution to truck traffic. She disagreed with the notion that there were no available properties in <br /> the area, citing examples of the contrary. She stated, Once you start only putting these types of <br /> 14 <br />