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project advisory team meeting, early in December, 2016. We got input from a lot of people on <br /> City and County levels. The most appropriate approach to take under the circumstances was to <br /> petition to put some zoning and development standards in place. In this case, LI District <br /> standards. Why?Because the LI District standards would allow for this particular development <br /> to occur as we envision it. It also allows for the balance of the property the balance of a one- <br /> hundred and twenty (120) acres—to be developed, more or less, as it was considered in the PUD. <br /> It allows for restaurants, it allows for government-type facilities, offices, and other similar uses. I <br /> think the only exception would be a hotel, which is not permitted in the LI zone. The plan which <br /> was submitted provides a detailed account of how our plan complies with the LI District <br /> standards. What we are proposing to do with this particular building is to design it and build it in <br /> a manner consistent with the PUD standards. On the other side of the street, we have enhanced <br /> landscaping that we are providing along the easterly edge of our property, where there is an <br /> abutting resident. We have prepared this rendered version of the landscape plan for the benefit of <br /> the public and Councilmembers, to show that we have a dense evergreen buffer along that <br /> easterly edge;we have the shade trees all around the perimeter; we will have landscaping within <br /> the parking lot. We are providing parking for three-hundred and twenty (320) spaces,because <br /> this particular user is as much about refurbishing and remanufacturing small devices as it is <br /> warehousing. We are proposing no access to Mayflower Road. We will make that written <br /> commitment. We agree with staff that Mayflower Road, in its present condition, could <br /> accommodate additional truck traffic. We would agree with the written commitment to an <br /> enhanced landscape standard along Mayflower Road. Another suggestion made at the Area Plan <br /> Commission was that we would also make a written commitment not to allow billboards on the <br /> property,which might otherwise be permitted in the LI zone. <br /> Mr. McMorrow turned to the topic of the diamond interchange. He stated, Our site plan does <br /> allow for a diamond-shaped interchange, should it ever happen. We are making that provision in <br /> our plan. We will continue to work with the City and their staff on the design of the project. The <br /> utilities that are necessary to serve the project can be extended from City utilities that are in <br /> place. There is no adverse effect on well water and septic, as a result,because we are not relying <br /> upon any of our own. The LI zoning is squarely in line with the City's Comprehensive Plan for <br /> development on the northern edge of the City. <br /> Gordon Norquist, 17530 Stoney Point Drive, Granger, IN, continued the presentation. Mr. <br /> Norquist stated that he is the son-in-law of Chet Wagner and that he represented the family. Chet <br /> Waggoner,the current owner, is Mr. Norquist's father-in-law. The farm was originally purchased <br /> around 1948 and has since been in the Waggoner family. Mr.Norquist stated that the Waggoner <br /> Dairy Farm was happy to work with a local developer and the City, in 2005, to develop a master <br /> plan for the site, which was referred to as the Portage Prairie. The plan was to further build <br /> growth, investment, and jobs for the City. He stated that the rezoning would permit the <br /> continuation of the property and the development of the site. From 2005 to the present,the <br /> Waggoner Dairy Farm has worked closely with local businesses and developers. He stated, We <br /> have agreed to sell a portion of the one-hundred and twenty (120) acres to Great Lakes <br /> corporation that they can continue to build on the site. <br /> Jeff Smoke, Great Lakes Capital Portage Prairie III, LLC, 112 West Jefferson Boulevard, South <br /> Bend, IN, continued the presentation. Mr. Smoke stated, We are the local developer and local <br /> 12 <br />