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church. He stated, We own the house that's right next door. Mr. Cobb—you and your friend, <br /> you're going to put that house up for sale? Depending on who would buy it, if we do that, then <br /> you're going to let out our egress, coming out that way, then,because there is a lot more traffic <br /> now on Main Street. Mr. Foresting stated that he was worried about sideswiping Mr. Cobb's <br /> garage. He stated, We don't want to be the owners of that property. We are thankful for the gift, <br /> but we don't want to do that. See, we'll cut for you and ta0ke care of it, like we have been for all <br /> these years, but we don't want to be vacated. We just want to keep it the way it is, so you can <br /> maybe grant him a variance, instead of vacating the whole property to us. <br /> Roosevelt Cobb, Cobb Funeral Home, 3525 South Michigan Street, South Bend, IN, stated that <br /> the problem that Mr. Foresting brought up was due to utilities poles placed on the property line <br /> between the funeral home and the church. Mr. Cobb stated, If they want to make a turn there— <br /> which they've been doing for the last eighteen(18) years since I have been there, without a <br /> problem, my garage would be twenty-five (25) or more feet from that pole, then sitting on my <br /> property line does not present any type for problem for them. <br /> Committeemember Jo M. Broden asked, Granting a variant—as a Council versus vacating an <br /> entire alley, weighing that...have you considered that? <br /> Mr. Cobb responded,No, I did not. I did not know if a variance would be the proper way to go. <br /> He stated that all he asked was to have the part of the alley that is on his property vacated. He <br /> stated, I thought it would be easier to do than getting a variance to build onto the parking lot. <br /> Mr. McGee added, From where their property is,there is a vacated part of the alley that exists. <br /> We just want to vacate from their parking lot until Sherwood Street. Most importantly, where <br /> I'm confused about the possibility of him backing his trailer up and hitting our building which is <br /> about thirty(30) feet from their drive—there is a driveway from their garage that leads directly <br /> to Michigan Street. We have been on Michigan Street since it changed to two (2)way. I have not <br /> had a problem turning south onto Michigan from Sherwood, so I cannot imagine that they would <br /> have a problem turning south on Michigan from the driveway. <br /> Committeemember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to send Bill No. 01-17 to the full Council with a <br /> favorable recommendation. Committeemember Randy Kelly seconded the motion which carried <br /> by a voice vote of four(4) ayes. <br /> With no further business before the Committee, Committee Chair John Voorde adjourned the <br /> meeting at 5:30 P.M. <br /> Respec Submitt , <br /> John oor e, Committee hair <br /> 3 <br />