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REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 27, 2017 <br />Administrations, by previous Development Co fissions, by pr vious planners for the City of <br />South Bend —why would we ignore that? <br />Councilmember Broden then referenced another document, `Design Guidelines 2013', on file <br />with the Office of the City Clerk. She stated that in June 2014, a project came before the Area <br />Board of Zoning Appeals, then the Area Plan Commission, and eventually the Council, and the <br />Council found a way to make that project work. A policy was drawn up, allowing for height <br />variances in the East Bank Central Business District for up to eight (8) stories, or ninety -six (96) <br />feet. In order to gain the City's support, though, such a project must provide for a public amenity <br />and pedestrian scale fagade treatments for the first two (2) storie as written commitments. <br />Councilmember Broden stated, So, we have an active policy on he books, publicly announced, <br />and that people have made investment decisions upon for this am a. Councilmember Broden <br />stated, I urge all of us not to turn our backs on the planners and, ankly, not to let this evening's <br />event —where we are talking about something bigger than a prof ct —be short circuited or <br />truncated. Our community deserves more, my district deserves more, and the people all over <br />South Bend deserve more. I <br />Councilmember Broden referenced the report of Torti Gallas, the consultant hired in late <br />November of 2016, which she stated she would submit by the e d of the evening. She stated, He <br />said it can be done. You can get mixed -use development here th t is sustainable at ninety -six <br />(96) feet. Councilmember Broden stated that very little has been entered into the public record to <br />substantiate the need for the additional height that would be all ed by the proposed <br />amendment. She stated that a decision in favor of this amendment should be a decision made <br />with a real economic benefit to the City in mind. She stated, We don't want to put all of our eggs <br />in this basket going up. I think, reasonably, we should spread that development around and those <br />opportunities around for people to invest in. I think what we do in this area will necessarily affect <br />the West Bank and some of the momentum going on there, in terms of residential. <br />Councilmember Broden stated that issues regarding sustainabili , feasibility, and getting the <br />mix of the apartments right should not be resolved with somebo i ly's gut feeling that they are <br />hitting the right notes. She stated, We should have more inform tion. <br />Councilmember Broden concluded, I just hope that we are not going to alter these plans on a <br />very short timeframe. The public has only been looking at this f r eleven (11) days. <br />Councilmember Broden stated that previous text amendments took several months to process. <br />She stated that there can be more time to consider this text amendment without endangering any <br />other goals. She stated that she wanted to make sure, if this amendment goes forward, that design <br />standards and references back to the redevelopment plans be in( luded in the amendment. She <br />recommended that the amendment be tabled. <br />Councilmember Dr. David Varner stated that plans are a produc L of the moment, and that <br />dynamics can bring change within weeks, months, years that do not render them inadequate or <br />totally out -of -use —but these changes sometimes need to be vie ed as opportunities instead of an <br />obstructive process. Councilmember Dr. Varner stated, I think if represents an opportunity and <br />viability that the City has not seen in my lifetime. I remember when Studebaker closed; I <br />remember the Downtown Mall; I remember the problems we had out at Blackthorn with regards <br />to the golf course. We have been fighting an uphill battle for the last thirty (30) or forty (40) <br />years. I believe, with the opportunity to do something like this, that we have reached a threshold <br />that South Bend heretofore has not seen in the last fifty (50) years —and that's an opportunity for <br />a significant downtown project. Councilmember Dr. Varner stated that he is not worried about <br />the height because the East Bank sits forty (40) or so feet belov the West Bank, so a building <br />that looks to be one - hundred and fifty (15 0) feet on the east side looks to be one- hundred and ten <br />(I 10) feet in height from the west. He stated that he did not feel' that a building one - hundred and <br />fifty (150) feet tall would be so out -of -place in the East Bank. He also stated that a hundred and <br />fifty (15 0) foot height limit does not preclude a developer from'',building something at the heights <br />more typical of the area, but "it gives people the opportunity to !,dream." Councilmember Dr. <br />Varner stated, I think progress is as important as process. I think I said before that the biggest <br />problem South Bend has is deciding where to put the next huncilred and fifty (150) foot building. <br />We will have made a lot of progress compared to where we we e a few years ago. <br />10 <br />