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filling those positions. Ms. White asked whether there were actual promotions in the <br />reorganization structure, or if those with positions in the department had to apply for vacant <br />positions and go through the entire hiring process. Mr. Perri responded that there were no actual <br />promotions and that those working in the department were encouraged to find postings for <br />positions in which they were interested. Mr. Perri stated that he expected six (6) of the twelve <br />(12) to be filled by people already in the Department. <br />Committeemember Dr. David Varner asked Mr. Perri what was going on with Elbel Park aside <br />from the golf course. Mr. Perri responded that much of that was coming into play through their <br />Natural Resources Management plan. There are a few more pieces of work to do in the spring on <br />the environmental consulting side of things, which will provide a roadmap to invasive species <br />mitigation, natural areas, evolution, bird watching opportunities, etc. Mr. Perri stated, The whole <br />gameplan is, we'll just have to figure out how to fund it and finance it. Committeemember Dr. <br />Varner stated, So, you're looking at some time next spring? Mr. Perri responded, Correct. It was <br />a year -long study and I think we started it sometime in the summer. <br />Committee Chair Randy Kelly asked Mr. Perri whether or not he had any financial information <br />regarding Elbel and for some of his thoughts on running the course even through the winter. Mr. <br />Perri responded, We will continue to keep it active through the winter. It's been used every <br />winter informally for sledding and snowshoeing and bird watching, things of that nature. We'll <br />want to embrace a little more formally, this year. Committee Chair Kelly responded, Tires and <br />that kind of thing? Mr. Perri responded, Some of those things that require infrastructure probably <br />won't be ready this winter. Regarding finances, Mr. Perri explained that golf was on the same <br />revenue line as previous years, but that there was an overall reduction of expenses for the year. <br />He stated, It will be a little more favorable than years past, but we did make some extra capital <br />expenditures, one of the first ones we made was an additional capital investment. <br />Mic Perry, 901 East Fox Street, South Bend, IN, stated, Be it duly noted, acknowledged, and <br />acclaimed by all good people in Chambers here assembled, the pronouncement of enduring and <br />supreme importance. Now, I have to figure that that is probably how the announcement <br />happened on December 11th, 1816, when Indiana became the nineteenth (19th) state to join the <br />Union. I think they probably would have introduced that concept somewhere along those lines. <br />He stated that he, in fact, had a concept of how to celebrate the State's bicentennial anniversary, <br />which he would like to present. Before that, he informed the Committee that on November 15th, <br />2016 there would be a neighborhood meeting at Broadway Christian Parish at 6 p.m., on the <br />subject of housing. He further explained that these meetings normally occur every second (2nd) <br />Tuesday of a given month at 6 p.m. at the same time and place. Mr. Perry stated that there has <br />not been much fanfare in South Bend regarding the celebration of Indiana's bicentennial. Two <br />(2) years ago, United Ways came up with the idea of a "Bison - tennial" celebration. He explained <br />that after weeks of training at the Neighborhood Leadership Academy, he, in conjunction with <br />the Far West Neighborhood, was tasked with coming up with a project that would benefit the <br />neighborhood or City in general. An idea that got a lot of support was the concept of getting a <br />fiberglass bison that would represent the bison on the State Seal of Indiana. Have sponsors <br />around the State buy them from an outfit in Kansas and then install it. There are already two (2) <br />of them in South Bend —one on 4H fairgrounds, another at Logan Center. The idea is to have a <br />"Bison - tennial Biozone" at Ravina Park. There would be the bison, and prairie grasses and <br />2 <br />