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there will be new plans as we go on and develop. He stated that he will send Committee Chair <br />Davis an email detailing the suggestion. <br />Committeemember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to continue Bill No. 16 -90 until January 9, <br />2017. Committeemember John Voorde seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of <br />four (4) ayes. <br />Substitute Bill No. 41 -16 — Commerce Center PUD Rezoning petition at 401 E. Colfax <br />Committee Chair Oliver Davis stated that this bill was continued in the Council portion only, and <br />therefore would have no public hearing. He stated, We are just going to clarify some things right <br />now and then have the larger discussion during the Council meeting. Councilmembers will be <br />able to ask the petitioners and members of the Administration questions. We will not be doing <br />that at this time. We have all received a letter from Mr. Mathews detailing his plans. We need to <br />have the Administration clarify their recommendation before we ask questions because there is <br />some confusion on which plan they prefer. Committee Chair Davis stated that he would also like <br />a response from the Administration about the letter from Councilmembers from a few weeks ago <br />as well. He stated, Hopefully that can all be received tonight. <br />Councilmember Jo M. Broden asked if the only people who can speak tonight are individuals <br />who have already spoken in previous meetings regarding this bill. <br />Interim Council Attorney Aladean De Rose stated that there may be debate and that <br />Councilmembers can ask questions. She stated that she interprets that to mean that anyone can <br />answer a question and it is not limited to only those who have spoken before. <br />Councilmember Scott stated, It is important to remember we do not have to rush tonight's <br />proceedings. If anyone has a question or point of order please make it known. He stated that if <br />there is any amendment or substitution to the bill, Council can vote on it as a substitution and <br />then get the legal language into the record after the vote is made. <br />Interim Council Attorney De Rose stated that it is important to remember that if someone is <br />answering a question, that means they are simply answering a question not giving a speech. They <br />need to answer questions specifically. <br />Committeemember Gavin Ferlic stated that he wants to make sure people ask questions for <br />technical questions and not simply just to call up twenty (20) people from the public and ask if <br />they agree or not with the proposal. They should be experts in the field, petitioners, or members <br />of the Administration. <br />Committee Chair Davis stated that he agrees with that because the Council already knows what a <br />lot of people think after all these meetings and e- mails. <br />Committeemember Ferlic stated, There won't be a limit on how many questions can be asked but <br />we may cap it at five (5) questions per Councilmember first, so that everyone has an opportunity <br />to ask their pertinent questions and then we can circle back to any Councilmembers who still <br />2 <br />