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changed the fund and expanded it. All of the costs are in one (1) fund, which leads to better <br />accountability going forward. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis asked if the Administration will still be able to show the Council <br />the divisions between IT and 311 in that fund. <br />Mr. Murphy responded, Yes, we will have separate divisions within the fund —which will pull <br />those numbers out —and the costs can be tracked that way. <br />No one from the public spoke either in favor of or in opposition to the bill. <br />Committeemember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to send Bill No. 73 -16 to the full Council with a <br />favorable recommendation. Committeemember Regina Williams- Preston seconded the motion <br />which carried by a voice vote of four (4) ayes. <br />Bill No. 74 -16 –December Enterprise Funds <br />John Murphy, City Controller, with offices on the 12th Floor of the County -City Building, <br />served as the presenter and petitioner for this bill. Mr. Murphy stated, We do budget amendments <br />quarterly, this is the last budget amendment for this year. These are the Enterprise Funds. In <br />Code Enforcement, there are some demolitions that are going to be reimbursed from a CEBG <br />Grant through Community Investment. We appropriated one (1) fund and then we get the <br />reimbursement back so there is no net cost to fund. The second is in the Solid Waste area. We <br />have allocated 311 costs based on call volume and it's a fair way to do it, but it got to be a little <br />problematic because it is hard to predict at the beginning of the year how much call volume is <br />going to be. So in 2016, the Water Fund call volume declined a little bit and the Solid Waste <br />increased. This next appropriation is to cover increased charges for the Solid Waste Fund. It is <br />not a net cost to the City but it is paid by a different fund than originally planned. This process is <br />going to be eliminated for 2017 because now there is one (1) IT allocation fee that covers all of <br />the cost. <br />Mr. Murphy continued, stating, We received interest on certain funds which has been a little bit <br />stronger than it has been in the past. It is still not great but is around one percent (1 %) which is a <br />good rate of return for savings. The final one (1) is the Century Center Fund. Activity has <br />increased during the year, so expenditures have increased but also revenue has increased, which <br />makes it a good thing, but we need to make an additional appropriation. <br />There were no questions from the Committee and no one from the public spoke in favor of or in <br />opposition to the bill. <br />Committeemember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to send Bill No. 74 -16 to the full Council with a <br />favorable recommendation. Committeemember Regina Williams- Preston seconded the motion <br />which carried by a voice vote of four (4) ayes. <br />Substitute Bill No. 75 -16 – December Transfer Ordinance <br />2 <br />