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INmP <br />OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK <br />KAREEMAH FOWLER, CITY CLERK <br />HEALTH & PUBLIC SAFETY <br />Committee Members Present: <br />Other Council Present: <br />Others Present: <br />Agenda: <br />NOVEMBER 28, 2016 3:45 P.M. <br />John Voorde, Oliver Davis, Karen White, Jo Broden <br />Dr. David Varner, Randy Kelly, Tim Scott, Regina <br />Williams- Preston <br />Kareemah Fowler, Joseph Molnar, Michael <br />Passavoir, Kathleen Cekanski- Farrand, Adriana <br />Rodriguez <br />Bill No. 70 -16 – Chronic Nuisance Amendments <br />Committee Chair John Voorde called the meeting to order with one (1) item on the agenda. <br />Bill No. 70 -16 –Chronic Nuisance Amendments <br />Councilmember Tim Scott, with offices on the 4th Floor of the County -City Building, served as <br />presenter and petitioner of this bill. He stated that the chronic nuisance ordinance was working <br />quite well. He explained that after a review of the ordinance, which has been in place since 2013, <br />Councilmember Scott and his team wanted to make some language changes. Scalability for <br />larger complexes like Indian Springs, Hurwich Farms, and Irish Hills needed to be addressed <br />differently by the ordinance. Councilmember Scott stated, We wanted to be fair and equitable <br />across the board with people. He explained that, for example, Irish Hills has two (2) parcels, so <br />its buildings are divided up among those parcels. A single home's limit is five (5) in sixty (60) <br />days. Larger complexes of fifty (50) people or more have a limit of twelve (12) for their entire <br />complex. He stated, Let's look at it per parcel. Within Indian Springs, Hurwich Farms, all these <br />different ones, how their land is broken up—there's different parcels. So what we were looking <br />at is if you have one (1) parcel, per parcel you might have hotspots and calls. Councilmember <br />Scott cited Miami Hills, where there was a specific part of the complex that had issues while <br />other parts did not. He explained that the amendment would change the nuisance call limit <br />thusly: complexes with one (1) parcel are allowed twelve (12) violations; two (2) parcels are <br />limited to twenty -four (24) violations; three (3) parcels are limited to thirty-six (36). <br />Councilmember Scott stated, I think it's a good compromise. He explained that when the <br />ordinance was formed, he and his team looked at almost forty (40) different ordinances around <br />455 County-City Building • 227 W. Jefferson Boulevard • South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />Phone 574 - 235 -9221 • Fax 574 - 235 -9173 • TDD 574- 235 -5567 • <br />JENNIFER M. COFFMAN ALKEYNA M. ALDRIDGE JOSEPH R. MOLNAR <br />CHIEF DEPUTY/ CHIEF OF STAFF DEPUTY/ DIRECTOR OF POLICY ORDINANCE VIOLATION CLERK <br />