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REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 14, 2016 <br />Samuel Brown, 222 East Navarre St., South Bend, IN stated that he is in charge of the watchdog <br />group, Citizens United for a Better Government. I come to you tonight asking for your help. <br />There's a small park on Howard St. called Kelly Park, and I'm very disappointed, I'm very hurt <br />that a group of kids was let down. My grandson was in the seventh grade when he was part of a <br />committee and made a commercial with Ms. Fowler's daughter about that park. It's supposed to <br />be like a safe park, a special park. And I don't know who dropped the ball. I know the City of <br />South Bend put a few funds in. Somehow, that park is still not done. I'm very hurt. When you <br />put kids out there like that, and kids crush you, and now these kids have been left down. We <br />passed a legislation for park bond —I don't care what we got to do, that park need to be fixed.. I <br />don't care where the money comes from. Those kids have no right to be let down like this. I have <br />the CD at home where Channel Sixteen (16) made that commercial, and we were all proud of <br />those kids. I want something done about it, and I need some support. Thank you. <br />Jacob Hughes, 4921 Belleville Circle, South Bend, IN stated that he was present to discuss the <br />outreach activities he's been a part of to help businesses heavily affected by the smoke ordinance <br />transition more smoothly. 'Our hope is that those affected can be assisted in developing strategies <br />so that the businesses will not only survive this transition but also thrive grow from this specific <br />policy change. We have a calendar of outreach events and activities that are taking place <br />throughout the City that are patronizing some of the people who go to the bars, as well as some <br />of the bars. The outreach events can be found on CW Partners dot org (, if you <br />want to be involved in those events that we are doing in the City. One of those events, I'm sure <br />you've seen it on the news, is the event we did with Mulligan's Bar & Grill. We were celebrating <br />the fact that they made the decision to go. smoke -free early, which was back in August. After the <br />passing of the ordinance, as you know and have seen, this bar has experienced growth in <br />business, to the point where they have had to hire two servers and a cook. They have experienced <br />success and we have been able to collaborate with Mulligan's —Sue and Pat Mulligan were so <br />excited that we were helping and supporting them. That event went very well in the City, and we <br />want to do that with other bars and restaurants and those affected by this particular ordinance to <br />let them know that they can grow from this particular ordinance passing on January 2"d <br />Throughout December, we are delivering window clings, coasters, table tents, posters, and FAQ <br />materials in package form. We are delivering them through mail, and we're also hand - delivering <br />some of those packages as well. Some of those bars would not allow us to come in, but those <br />who want us to assist, we are here to help. If you want to help or assist, you can go to our social <br />media page at Smoke -Free St. Joe. Twitter, @smokefreestjoe. Again, go to our website at CW <br />Partners dot org (, or call (574) 232 -4234. Thank you. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />There being no further business to come before the Council, President Tim Scott adjourned the <br />meeting at 12:19 a.m. <br />34 <br />