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REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 14, 2016 <br />Central Business District. Within that Central Business District, we have buildings —such as the <br />Chase Tower at twenty (20) stories —that are tall, and that is great for the area. This is actually <br />on an islet that is west of the East Race. So, I do agree that there are some areas, probably on the <br />very far eastern portion of the East Bank Village, where this might not fit quite as well, but this <br />is the Central Business District. So, yes, I absolutely think it fits with the character. And, finally, <br />conservation of property values. Again, having a grocery store and a pharmacy that's walkable — <br />I think all that does is increase property value. Judging on what we're supposed to judge this on, <br />I think this fulfills all criteria and, as other people come to us with propositions, if it's in a <br />residential district or doesn't fit that criteria I will vote no for a PUD. But guess what? We're <br />talking about precedent. If someone else, like Dr. Varner said, comes to us next month and wants <br />to build a thirteen (13) story building in the Central Business District, I'm going to say yes. I <br />think that's awesome. So, I hope this does set a precedent that within our Central Business <br />District, we are welcoming to development. Also, it is so important to note that the City is not <br />being asked to subsidize this project with direct tax dollars. Not to say that I oppose that in some <br />scenarios, because we do support some development with tax dollars, but the great thing about <br />this project is that the City is not being asked to put any tax dollars in. The developer went out <br />and got State grant money that, without his efforts, would not be coming to downtown South <br />Bend. So, again, think about how positive that is. If this project was going to Mishawaka, or <br />Dave, after he won the Regional Cities grant, decided to build this in Mishawaka, I'd be jealous. <br />I would want this in downtown South Bend, within our Central Business District. So, I'm <br />thankful he brought it. With that being said, I would hope the Council would approve this <br />tonight. However, as I have expressed to all of you, if it is continued, I do ask that it is continued <br />to the December meeting, as I will not be present for the late November meeting. But again, if <br />we do approve, I will continue to encourage the developer —and I think he's done a good job and <br />that he can continue to do a good jobto engage with the neighbors, to engage with other <br />developers in the area. I think this is a good framework, but I think as we continue on, I think <br />you can work with those developers, work with the neighbors, to finalize a plan that I think <br />works for everyone. This has my full support. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis thanked Chairperson Ferlic. Councilmember Davis stated that <br />when he reviewed this information, as he sits on Area Plan and the Council, he quickly realized <br />that this was going to take a lot of time. When the different changes came in that day —when first <br />Community Investment said that they were against it, and then said they were for it, then Area <br />Plan made their recommendation and communicated their concerns —one of the things I quickly <br />knew that I needed —when one department of the City, who we look to, shares another thought <br />and, even though they quickly change it up at the last minute and still they left it out there — <br />when two (2) different departments of the same administration say two (2) different things, I <br />needed to receive a letter from the Mayor, which I have not received, yet. And I've requested <br />that, because I think automatically that when two (2) of these departments share different things, <br />then the Mayor has to speak for that part of it, because that doesn't make sense. If you have two <br />different people speaking, somebody else has to break the tie. That's why we've elected the <br />Mayor. I do agree with Mr. Matthews. He said, "Do you want the elected officials of the City of <br />South Bend to be here ?" Nine (9) of us ... well, five (5) of us are here tonight. One's missing, on a <br />major matter that you want to be heard tonight. Area Plan, I agree with you. We have all the <br />people from all over the place. But you wanted the City of South Bend leadership to be here <br />tonight. I did, too. That's why I don't mind taking this to the last meeting of December 12t}', <br />because I have requested our Mayor to be here. I want him to weigh in on it. Whether it goes one <br />way or whether it goes the other way. I think his voice needs to be heard, because he had two (2) <br />significant departments to share with us two (2) significant different ways of how to do it like <br />when we do our due diligence. <br />We have to do our due diligence. I was on this Council, in 2008. I was one of the ones who was <br />here, and I thank the voters of South Bend for allowing me to be here for nine (9) years. I do <br />clearly remember going to Officer Rex and everything else of the East Bank, and the amount of <br />time it took us to do that. I wasn't on the Council at the time. The one thing that I have to make <br />sure of on the Zoning Committee, is that I have to be very careful when I pivot. And the reason I <br />say that is we had a situation where we got called into the Department of Justice. One person <br />said we did not treat her fair. They appealed all the way up to the United States Department of <br />27 <br />