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REGULAR MEETING <br />OCTOBER 24, 2016 <br />some commercial development. This project has been before Council before and it is almost the <br />same as this one (1) but before we had forty -two (42) residential units and this time we are up to <br />fifty -six (56) units of residential development along with commercial development. The property <br />that is on the corner of Rex and Portage has also been added to this project site and it is currently <br />owned by the City of South Bend. That will allow for additional parking for this project. The <br />parking areas have screening so all adjacent residential will be screened from the parking lot. <br />One (1) of the other things we are asking the Council to do is approve two (2) special exceptions. <br />The reason for them is because we have off -site parking. The parking lot to the south and also <br />the five (5) spaces to the east on California, because they are not on the same piece of property <br />that the building is located on. We have to have a special exception approved for off -site parking. <br />The Area Plan Commission gave no recommendation on that due to some confusion between <br />what was approved for the parking variance. All lighting will have to stay on -site and there will <br />be no spillage over to the other properties. <br />There were no questions from Council. <br />Those from the public who spoke in favor of the bill: <br />Kathy Schuth, Executive Director at the Near Northwest Neighborhood (NNN) Association <br />located at 1007 Portage Avenue, we are part of the development team of this project and have <br />been working for four (4) years on it. She stated she lives just at the other end of this block. In a <br />simple manner, this is a zoning request that makes sense for Portage Avenue. It is within an area <br />that is a Mixed Use zoning throughout this area as a node with the NNN across the street. All of <br />the surrounding parcels of land around it are also Mixed Use. The special exceptions asking for <br />parking are basically the only way we would be able to reutilize this building at a zero (0) lot line <br />fashion and allow parking to be used. Over the course of four (4) years we have had over twenty <br />(20) public meetings inviting neighbors to participate and give feedback. At our most recent <br />meeting, which was September 28th, 2016 approximately twenty -five (25) people participated <br />and at the end of the meeting overwhelmingly asked what they can do to support the project. <br />Mike Griffin, 704 California Street South Bend, stated he is right down the street from this <br />project. This would be so awesome for our neighborhood and such a great development with all <br />the other good stuff going on in the NNN. People are in an "all -in" mode for this development <br />and hopefully the City will not only support this but do anything they can to make clear its <br />support for this project it would really help down state so they know there is wide - spread <br />support. The neighborhoods right near there think this would be great and be an improvement <br />over what is a bad eyesore in the neighborhood. <br />No one from the public spoke in opposition to the bill. <br />Councilmember Tim Scott stated this is his district and four (4) blocks from his house. The thing <br />that you have here is a building that could be completely torn down and be another brown -field <br />site or a good repurpose. This has a huge basement under the building which is incredible. There <br />has been a lot of energy going on in the NNN. That has been the mission of the program as well <br />as the repurposing of buildings. <br />Councilmember Dr. Varner stated if the City is behind this we should see more public statements <br />in favor of this proposal. <br />Councilmember Tim Scott made a motion to adopt Bill 52 -16. Councilmember Oliver Davis <br />seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />53 -16 PUBLIC HEARING ON PUBLIC HEARING ON AN <br />ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE <br />AND REQUESTING A SPECIAL EXCEPTION FOR <br />PROPERTY LOCATED AT 331 WAYNE STREET, <br />COUNCILMANIC DISTRICT NO.2 IN THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />5 <br />