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REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 24, 2016 <br />No one from the public spoke in opposition to the bill. <br />Each Councilmember congratulated the team for their accomplishments. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis made a motion to adopt Bill 16 -84 by acclamation. <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) <br />ayes. <br />REPORTS OF CITY OFFICES <br />Representing the City Administration will be Mayor Pete Buttigieg. He stated he will try to have <br />a brief overture of the budget as the Council has so much work to do this evening. First there is a <br />piece of very good news that came out today, South Bend is one (1) of a handful of cities <br />selected by Bloomberg Philanthropies to participate in the What Works Cities initiative. That <br />will lead to resources being committed by Bloomberg Philanthropies to assist us in performance <br />management as well as the use of a group called the Behavioral Insights Team which has <br />provided a tremendous amount of value to cities by helping optimize things like utilities and <br />other City processes based on data and evidence driven decision making. Our Chief Innovation <br />Officer is convening with former Mayor Bloomberg and other cities that have been selected in <br />this initiative. He stated he looks forward to updating the Council more on this as the resources <br />are brought to South Bend. <br />Also, there has been a lot of interest in the issue of homelessness and in particular the emergence <br />of the encampment in the downtown area. We want to reiterate that what we are looking at here <br />is a stop -gap solution for the winter while we continue to have a dialogue over the medium and <br />long -term solutions with our community partners. He gave his thanks for the community partners <br />that have snapped into action in order for us to get ahead of the winter. <br />This also may be a good opportunity to address what may have been a confused issue in regards <br />to the City's direction around the future Fire Station Number Nine (9). To be clear, the Chief at <br />the Mayor's request has been leading a process to thoroughly identify any possible alternatives to <br />the site at Potawatomi Park that has been discussed. Everything remains on the table, but the <br />reason for this effort is to make sure that if at all possible we can find an alternative site we do so <br />and in the event that we are compelled for safety and function reasons to rely on that park site we <br />have done so only after truly exhausting every alternative. That is what is going on in the <br />Department, we will of course continue to update the Council as any developments happen. <br />Mayor Buttigieg thanked the Council and Council leadership in particular the Personnel and <br />Finance Committee for their great work and the Administration and Finance team as well. The <br />process has included eight (8) public meetings since the meeting where we first presented the <br />budget. One (1) of those meetings was geared towards public input but all of which were open to <br />the public and we value that process to make sure there is a good flow of feedback in both <br />directions. Also since the last time he had spoken to the Council about the budget, we have the <br />very good news of having two (2) contracts ratified by the Police and Teamsters unions. Since <br />his Administration has been in office, this is the first time we have had four (4) year contracts <br />which is great news as it provides certainty to the City and certainty to our workers. He thanked <br />everyone who has been a part in those negotiations. Mayor Buttigieg highlighted the key changes <br />in the budget since the budget was first presented to the Council in August, in particular making <br />sure we are boosting the minimum wage which does represent up to a twenty -three percent <br />(23 %) increase for the lowest paid workers in the City. We believe for reasons already talked <br />about that it is the right thing to do. <br />Mayor Buttigieg spoke about steps taken by the Administration to get ahead of the oncoming <br />fiscal curb in 2020. We have included in this budget the addition of six (6) new firefighters to <br />find out whether our estimate is correct that this will in fact lead to savings through reduced <br />overtime. We have reduced burden on general and income tax funds by making sure that the <br />Enterprise funds are paying their fair share. We have a reduction in overall IT expenses which <br />can be a little bit masked by the way the budget has been presented since we are doing <br />allocations in a new way but to be clear there will be $300,000 less in overall IT expenses <br />through efficiencies and a reduction in the need for outside professional services. There is also <br />3 <br />