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REGULAR MEETING <br />OCTOBER 24. 2016 <br />Jim Szucs, 2405 East Edison South Bend, stated he recommends this be approved by the <br />Council. <br />No one from the public spoke in opposition to the bill. <br />Councilmember Karen White made a motion to send Substitute Bill 61 -16 to the full Council <br />with a favorable recommendation. Councilmember Oliver Davis seconded the motion which <br />carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />63 -16 PUBLIC HEARING ON AN ORDINANCE FIXING <br />MAXIMUM SALARIES AND WAGES OF APPOINTED <br />OFFICERS AND NON - BARGAINING EMPLOYEES OF <br />THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, FOR THE <br />CALENDAR YEAR 2017 <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis made a motion to accept Substitute Bill 63 -16. Councilmember <br />Karen White seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />Councilmember Karen White, Chair of the Personnel and Finance Committee, reported that they <br />met and send this bill forward with a favorable recommendation. <br />John Murphy, City Controller with offices on the 12th Floor of the County -City Building, this bill <br />fixes maximum salaries and wages of appointed and non - bargaining employees for the City of <br />South Bend for 2017. The bill mandates a two percent (2 %) increase for every position as a <br />minimum and there are certain positions that are different from that. It is important to realize this <br />sets maximum salaries, it has been the procedure in many cases to not receive the maximum. The <br />actual pay of an employee will be based on performance and job productivity. This bill is fully <br />funded in the budget as are the Police and Teamster ordinances. As far as the full budget goes, <br />we are fully balanced with respect to our operating funds which is the first time in several years <br />where we can say that we are. Mr. Murphy stated that Mayor Buttigieg laid out some reasons for <br />the salary ordinance, one (1) being internal and external equity which is important. We are not a <br />bargaining group, but we want to provide an ordinance that is equitable across the board. He <br />stated he would be happy to answer any of the questions the Council may have. <br />Councilmember Regina Williams- Preston asked if this was the bill where we are increasing the <br />salaries for the minimum wage workers to $10.10. <br />Mr. Murphy responded no, that is not included in this budget. It is already factored into the <br />budget. When you vote on the budget, you will be voting on the $10.10 minimum wage. <br />Councilmember Davis stated it is clear that some of the salaries are being reimbursed through <br />TIF dollars. He asked Mr. Murphy to explain that. <br />Mr. Murphy responded that the Council should have received a memo from our Legal <br />Department regarding the use of TIF for professional services. There are certain positions that <br />relate to redevelopment activities which will be reimbursed through TIF. That is a good way to <br />help the Civil City balance its budget. <br />Councilmember Davis asked if he sees us doing that more so in the future. <br />Mr. Murphy stated he would hope so and it would make a lot of sense when we were able to do <br />it. <br />Councilmember Davis stated based on the Teamsters and the Police being content with their two <br />percent (2 %) raise and the perks that they had built it in, they thought they were able to retain top <br />talent. He stated the reason he asked those questions is that it has been shared by the <br />Administration that this goal is to find and recruit top talent and that is the justification for some <br />of these ten percent (10 %) to twenty percent (20 %) raises. Even a slight name change and <br />everything else is based on that and it is said in order for us to get all of these talented people and <br />keep them here we have to give these big raises. He asked Mr. Murphy to explain why in his <br />opinion the Police and Teamsters were able to retain talent with two percent (2 %) and perks but <br />the Administration feels like they cannot obtain and recruit and have longevity of their top talent <br />11 <br />