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disparate impact as we can. We are hoping for a well- spread out diverse list that has minority <br />and female applicants throughout the list, as opposed to having them just at the bottom. <br />Committeemember Voorde asked if Stations Four (4) and Nine (9) should both be the same. <br />Chief Cox explained that the properties and the stations would not have all of the same needs, <br />and the footprint of the property will be different, so that will have to be taken into account as the <br />building is designed. <br />The process still has the peer review stage to go through in the Priority Based Budgeting, <br />however, looking at the FTE costs and how they are associated, it's not a terribly huge surprise <br />to us. A lot of our business is'EMS response, fire response and training. So those are the top <br />three (3) items that came out through that process. There were some minor surprises, but we still <br />have more process to go through. <br />Committeemember Regina Williams- Preston thanked Chief Cox for walking through the process <br />with Station Nine (9) because it was quite dramatic. It was nice to hear that the City was <br />responsive to an important issue. <br />Committeemember Voorde stated he likes that the department is incorporating neighborhood <br />input. <br />Chief Cox stated that he believes people will be very happy with the project when it is done. It <br />will create a green space for the neighborhood just south of where the station is that will be open <br />to the neighborhood. We're trying to be good stewards of the space that we occupy in the <br />neighborhoods. <br />Councilmember Jo M. Broden asked where overtime ended up last year. <br />Chief Cox stated that last year the department had over $1.5 million in overtime costs. <br />Typically, overtime costs are driven by minimum staffing requirements, so there are a lot of <br />different ways we can be impacted. Because minimum staffing drops below a certain level, we <br />need to call in overtime by the collective bargaining agreement. When an individual is on <br />FMLA, we have to give them the time off, so we end up with an additional person off, and we <br />have to call in overtime for the entire time they are on FMLA. Also, we work twenty -four (24) <br />hour shifts, so every sick day, vacation day, or FMLA day, is multiplied by three (3). Every day <br />we need to call someone in for overtime, it costs taxpayers around $750 per day. <br />The Fire Department covers all of the special events at Notre Dame as well, and those are all <br />firefighters working overtime. Those hours are all reimbursed by contract with the University. <br />We staff other special events that we charge the same hourly rate as we charge Notre Dame, so <br />everyone gets charged the same rate. <br />We had Dan Cochenour, our fiscal officer, run several different exercises to calculate the costs of <br />new firefighters versus overtime. Instead of calling in a captain on overtime, we would be <br />covering the time with a person who is making the minimum amount. We looked at six (6) new <br />