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Committee Chair White asked Mr. Wilkerson if he has adequate staffing to do what he needs to <br />do. When the Council goes out into the community, they hear a lot about Code Enforcement. I <br />have to ask because of the history of the department. <br />Mr. Wilkerson stated that they added a deputy director this year, and the idea behind that is to <br />increase community outreach and be more involved with the community while allowing me to <br />run the department and continue to increase our efficiency. We reduced our full -time staff to two <br />(2) part-time people, which is more efficient for us based on how the software is working. Mr. <br />Wilkerson stated he can't answer this question until he knows exactly how the software is <br />working. <br />Committee Chair White asked if there are enough inspectors in Code Enforcement. <br />Mr. Wilkerson stated. that using the software, they've been able to change the inspectors' areas <br />based on the need in that area, and he believes they are in pretty good shape overall. <br />Committee Chair White adjourned the meeting at 7:11 p.m. <br />Respectfu ly Submitted, <br />z! <br />Karen White, Committee Chair <br />20 <br />