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categories, so we moved some payments into funds that made more sense. We have several <br />items that need to be highlighted on that page: Capital Leases in the EMS Enterprise Fund were <br />moved over into the Capital Fund. The Public Safety LOIT was increased because there was an <br />increase in the amount of money there. <br />Committee Chair White asked Chief Cox to walk the Committee through the Personnel Services <br />increases in terms of looking at the increase in supplies and other services. She asked him to <br />please highlight those areas. <br />Chief Cox stated the vast majority of the expenses that are accrued in Personnel Services are tied <br />up in salaries and benefits. In Fund ( #101), the amount on top equates to that. We had an <br />increase in percentage of salary and healthcare costs this year. The CBA that was negotiated <br />with the Council had a two point two percent (2.2 %) raise for all personnel, and that along with <br />health care costs accounted for the increase on those line items. <br />Committee Chair White asked if those particular areas were part of the contract agreement. <br />Chief Cox stated that the health insurance wasn't, but the longevity and percentage increase was, <br />and that contract will continue through 2017. <br />Regarding supplies, there are different spots where supplies are listed. Supplies under Fund <br />( #288) was switched from a non - reverting capital fund to an enterprise fund to be able to fund as <br />much of our EMS system as much as we could. While it doesn't cover all of the costs associated <br />with EMS, it does cover a significant chunk of personnel costs, which include our billing office, <br />the assistant chief of the EMS, and supplies for EMS as well. <br />The increases in supplies in Fund ( #101) are mainly moving items that used to be funded through <br />Fund ( #288) so they are more correctly classified. Fund ( #297) is our Capital Fund where you <br />see the big increase under other services, where we moved the capital leases from Enterprise <br />Fund ( #288), so that was just an adjustment from moving them over. It was a $670,000 change. <br />Committee Chair White stated that she wanted the new Councilmembers to hear that. <br />Chief Cox stated in terms of overall staffing changes, the Fire Department doesn't tend to have a <br />lot of changes in staffing. However, this year, we presented to the Mayor that we would actually <br />like to increase the number of individuals we have on the Fire Department by six (6). Our goal <br />was to be able to impact some of the overtime costs, using that overtime cost to fund the six (6) <br />extra positions. We've had tremendous success over the past few years in recruitment of <br />minority and female applicants, and we're in the end stages of creating the hiring list that will go <br />into effect for 2017 and 2018. We need to do something different to be able to hire some folks in <br />off of the drop program list, more so than the two (2) we had in the drop for next year. <br />Committee Chair White asked if they will be bringing any of the new people on board. <br />2 <br />