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Committeemember Williams- Preston asked if IT handles 311 and how that applies to Code <br />Enforcement. <br />Mr. Wilkerson stated that the calls Code Enforcement gets are better served if they go straight to <br />the department, because they can get straight to the problem. Because a physical address is <br />needed in order to respond to issues, it is best for people to be directed straight to Code <br />Enforcement. If we can work with 311 to get us to that address, we could make it work, but a lot <br />of our issues are very detailed, and we want to make sure the transition is going to be successful <br />for us and our staff. <br />Committeemember Williams- Preston stated she loves the brochures, but a constituent who is a <br />stable figure in the neighborhood called her because he was fined for a bag of trash. He was hurt <br />because he would not leave a bag of trash in the neighborhood he works so hard to keep clean. <br />She asked how they determine who the trash belongs to. <br />Mr. Wilkerson stated that the inspectors tear open the bags of trash to see if they can find any <br />identifying material, such as mail that is addressed to the owner of the trash or credit cards that <br />were thrown away. We'll work with people who are first time violators, and if we can reduce or <br />waive the fine, we will. <br />Mr. Wilkerson stated that the Department of Code Enforcement is required to cite the property <br />owner, no matter how the trash got there. If we can prove it is an illegal dump, we will pick it <br />UP. <br />Committeemember Williams- Preston asked if grass fees went up. <br />Mr. Wilkerson said no, they didn't go up. <br />Dr. Ferlic stated that an eight percent (8 %) collection rate is not appropriate. Dr. Ferlic then <br />asked what percentage of households own a pet, and should you have an animal if you can't <br />afford an animal. He would like to know if we should inflict the costs of owning an animal on <br />the taxpayers that do not own an animal. <br />Mr. Wilkerson said his dog has a line item in his budget. We tend to reduce the price of dogs <br />and cats, so we have to ask if they are buying them because the price is reduced, or if they can <br />actually afford it. Some people,might be able to afford the small amount to purchase the dog, but <br />not the costs that are associated with caring for the dog. <br />We are also dealing with transient people, so it is not as easy as we would like it to be to collect <br />on these tickets. It's really tough when they keep moving out on us. <br />Dr. Ferlic stated that if we have a ninety -five percent (95 %) collection rate on property taxes, we <br />should have a higher collection rate in Code Enforcement. <br />Mr. Wilkerson stated that the eight percent (8 %) we are talking about is from collections, it does <br />not include any special assessments that are collected. <br />18 <br />