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The N.E.A.T. crew is working hand in hand with the inspectors. The iPad has been an asset, <br />because we streamline all of our jobs as they come up from the inspectors. They are put in order <br />by the iPads, so we aren't sending people all over town. We're sending them down one (1) alley <br />at a time. When it comes to collecting tires, we've turned around and sent the lightening loader <br />once every one (1) or two (2) weeks to collect tires around the City of South Bend. We've <br />collected over 540,544 tires, which is about 1,261 cars full of tires just up to this day. Last year <br />we only picked up 4,800. <br />Committeemember Voorde asked where the tires go after they pick them up. <br />Mr. Logrande answered that they take the tires to Liberty Tires, and pay $1 each to get rid of <br />them. We worked out a better deal this year where we pay $240 for a whole truck load. The <br />truck gets a whole load every day, which is why we only do it a few times a month. It's been a <br />lot easier to pick up illegal dumps and tires due to the iPads. <br />Our goals next year are to put two (2) trucks into the program after getting rid of two (2) trucks. <br />We've had so many complaints on the cutbacks in the alleys by safety and solid waste, so we are <br />looking forward to that program. <br />Our goals are always to do a better job and to build relationships with the citizens of the City of <br />South Bend. We try to do a better job everyday. Part of that is working with these <br />neighborhood cleanups. We do six (6) to ten (10) of them every year, and we don't give enough <br />credit to the people who put these things together. <br />Mr. Wilkerson stated they found that it is very time consuming to respond to complaints from <br />neighbors, because we have to stop what we're doing, dedicate a truck, complete the cutback, <br />and take all of the trash to organic waste, so we take that truck and driver out of the cycle of <br />picking up the trash. By dedicating people to doing this, it will be more effective. The plan is to <br />do the cleanup in the first year then go back in the next two (2) years to do additional cutbacks. <br />If you call us today, one (1) of the inspectors will be out there the same day, and if the call comes <br />in after 4:00 p.m., someone will be there first thing the next day. <br />Committeemember Voorde asked what kind of equipment is needed to cut the overgrowth. <br />Mr. Wilkerson stated currently they use chainsaws and pole trimmers. The idea is that we're <br />going to go eight (8) feet from the center of the right -of -way each way, then twelve (12) feet <br />above so we don't get into any power lines. It would be nice to have a tractor with side cutters <br />on it, but that is not in our budget or any budget in the City. <br />Committeemember Voorde asked if it would be ok after the two (2) year cycle, and if it would be <br />manageable by then, if it would just need maintenance. <br />14 <br />