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Committee Chair White asked if those numbers referred to tickets that were issued, not collected, <br />and do we not know at this point the collection status of these. <br />Ms. Johns stated that is correct, and these numbers are just from 2016 through August 31St <br />Mr. Wilkerson explained that people have thirty (3 0) days to comply and pay the invoice, then it <br />gets sent to the Legal Department. We believe the Legal Department holds onto it for about <br />thirty (30) days before they send it to Krisor for collection. We don't know for sure how long <br />they hold it, but what we are trying to do in this case is build up cases and lump them together <br />for individuals that have multiple tickets. Now we are holding them and sending them as a batch <br />instead of sending them individually. <br />Mr. Wilkerson asked what the Clerk's Office does in terms of batching tickets together. <br />Kareemah Fowler, City Clerk, stated that there are more invoices for cutting the grass than <br />citations, so pulling them out of the system is a gray area. But we it do it similarly, even with <br />parking tickets. <br />Mr. Wilkerson stated that it could take up to six (6) months before the tickets go to collections. <br />Committee Chair .White asked if they get any feedback from the Legal Department when the <br />tickets have been paid. <br />Mr. Wilkerson stated that the information comes back to Code Enforcement. Batching the <br />tickets reduces the backlog as well. <br />Health and Public Safety Committeemember Dr. Ferlic stated it may be convenient, but it is not a <br />good way to collect money. It should be ninety (90) days at most. You can't run a business this <br />way. <br />Ms. Johns continued that Code Enforcement has beaten their goal in the rates of properties that <br />have been cleaned by owner. We are also using the N.E.A.T. crew to try to track down who <br />might have dumped something so we can go after the owner rather than use it as an uncontrolled <br />dump. <br />Mr. Wilkerson stated that the Department of Code Enforcement will have staff changes in 2017. <br />They are looking to hire a deputy director and switch to two (2) part-time office positions. <br />We've currently been using one (1) as a temporary part-time employee, and we'd like to make <br />that a permanent part-time position. We're also going to eliminate the full -time Secretary IV <br />from our staff. We are looking at changing the remaining Secretary IVs to Administrative <br />Assistant to Code, a Supervisor II to Supervisor IV in the N.E.A.T. crew, and Animal Control <br />Assistant to a Shelter Operations Manager. This keeps the full -time head count at twenty -eight <br />(28) and part-time at five (5), which is not an increase in the full -time head count at all. <br />Committee Chair White asked if he will show the Council the financial impact of those changes. <br />Mr. Wilkerson answered yes. <br />11 <br />