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Committeemember Voorde stressed the importance of officer buy -in and morale as an <br />important key of the recruiting process. <br />Chief Ruzskowski responded the department has yet to narrow the problem down to <br />specific, tangible issues that can be addressed in regard to officer morale and satisfaction. <br />Committee Chair White wrapped up the meeting and asked John Murphy about the <br />possibility of having the Building Department present later with the Council and Clerk to <br />give ample presentation time to other departments. <br />John Murphy responded that he'd reach out to the Building Department. <br />Committee Chair White shared that there'd be a community conversation regarding <br />policing and race at the Kroc Center. She asked Chief Ruzskowski to elaborate on his <br />expectations for the meeting. <br />Chief Ruzskowski shared that he sees the meeting as an opportunity for the community to <br />express their concerns and for the department to understand community frustrations and <br />attempt to address them. <br />Committee Chair White shared that Chief Ruzskowski should share some of the <br />accomplishments of the department with the general public, and with no further business <br />adjourned the meeting at 7:25 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Karen L. White, Chairperson <br />14 <br />