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For the remainder of 2016, there is a new exhibition coming out called "Powered by America: <br />The Original Hybrid." Studebaker was actually a really early comer in the electric car world. <br />We are going in a different direction which is European style cars that feature American power <br />trains and engines, and it's going to be a great exhibit to draw a lot of people, some of the most <br />iconic car names. We're also taking the chance to revamp our public programs, we're doing our <br />public programs on topics of local interest, participating with the South Bend Historic <br />Preservation Commission, but we're also taking the chance to find poignant and salient national <br />speakers so we're bringing in Renee Chris who is a national speaker on the cars. That is <br />something that has been syndicated to PBS and she was willing to come as a courtesy to one of <br />our staff members. She'll be here for two (2) days, and it will be a great resource for our <br />community. In the next couple of weeks, you'll see a new Studebaker Museum webpage launch. <br />It will be more user friendly, and people will be able to make all of their transactions online. <br />We're very excited to have that launched. <br />We've had a number of national TV appearances that have brought the museum national <br />attention. The Travelocity Roman Gnome came there as part of Gameday and tried his hand at <br />being a mechanic. Charles Phoenix, who is most notable for his upcoming appearance where he <br />will be a guest on Jay Leno's Garage, came to town as an ambassador of Americana, then <br />Studebaker was able to provide cars for Comedians in Cars with Jerry Seinfeld. They are <br />speaking about the cars as he rode around with a comedian. It's been a great year to get our <br />name out across the country, and we've also been able to enjoy a lot of success locally. <br />Next year is going to be another big year. The Studebaker Driver's Club is coming back for their <br />annual international meet. They'll be bringing thousands and thousands of Studebaker <br />enthusiasts in the first weekend in May for a five (5) day event. We'll also have the Packard <br />Club which is affiliated with Studebaker through corporate acquisitions, and their international <br />meet will come in June. We're also excited to roll out some new things. We're in the process of <br />financing touch screen displays and we're also working on plans for the final stages of <br />development for hands on experiences that teach things like the harm of human touch on <br />materials found in our car museums, so there will be a nice Plexiglas cover that keeps some of <br />the same material in pristine conditions, so you can see why you are not allowed to touch the <br />vehicles. We want to continue to thank the City, it is a fantastic opportunity to have the <br />Studebaker collection, which is City property in the building. The original Studebaker vehicles, <br />eight (8) of which are national treasures, and of course the opportunity to be within the City. The <br />building continues to be in great shape. Like with any building as it gets older, the expenses of <br />maintaining it go up, but we've been able to work diligently to cover that and try to save money <br />where we can. The big issue over the past year was to significantly reduce energy costs through <br />an energy consultant which we've been very successful with in the past year. <br />The museum has asked for a two percent (2 %) increase in its budget to cover the increase in <br />operating the museum, and to also maintain the $10,000 contribution to the Capital Maintenance <br />Reserve Fund. <br />Committeemember Voorde inquired about the Studebaker Museum's relationship with the <br />history museum. <br />re <br />